Here are the last 2 weeks community crew celebrations! We love these assemblies where we get to share so many great things about the children in year 1 and 2. Well done to all of you!
Here are the last 2 weeks community crew celebrations! We love these assemblies where we get to share so many great things about the children in year 1 and 2. Well done to all of you!
Crew Pearson had some reading for pleasure time. I had brought a range of children books from home or they had access to our class library too. It was lovely to see them sat so engaged and silent (without being asked) to read a book they chose.
We would like to invite you to our Presentation of Learning for our Spring Expedition See how things grow: How do things grow and change?
The children will present what we have learned throughout the expedition and we will share our final product and our learning journey.
The POL will take place in the hall on Wednesday 19th March 2025 from 2pm. Please come to the Ash tree road entrance and the gates will be open from 1.55 pm.
We hope to see you there.
The F2 Team x
A huge well done to everyone for their amazing World Book Day costumes. Thank you to all parents and carers for your efforts. The children looked amazing
Every day should be dress-up day!
Each class voted for the best costume in their class today and here are our winners with their book prizes! I’m sure it was difficult for everyone to choose because everyone looks amazing!
Well done for your great costumes!
We are half way through our Sponsored Read event and love how much everyone has been reading! Keep collecting those sponsors and keep spending some time reading every day!
Remember there are prizes for
We will be collecting sponsorship money next week 🙂
Great effort for World Book Day in Crew Ambler today! Some fab costumes!
We’ve had a great effort for World Book Day in Crew Knowles today! Some fab costumes!
The children look amazing and we are very excited for our world book day activities today! Thank you to everyone for joining in with the fun x x
This week, Class 9 have been working hard on writing a non-chronological report about the human skeleton. The children did a great job with the writing and worked so hard to produce their best handwriting and presentation!