Maths Whizz!

Riley has done some incredible maths this week! He was so proud of his multiplication work. Multiplying by 2 digits – wow Riley!

Simply Amazing!

Well what can I say, this boy is just amazing! He has produced an outstanding first entry for his day in a Roman market. He has taken on board everything I have said, all what we have talked about in class and so much more! It is an absolute beautiful read and I am so proud of the progress you have made! Well done Harry!!!

Road Safety Star

Well done to Erin for bringing her wonderful road safety poster to school today! We have been talking lots about road safety and Erin used her own time to produce something awesome!

Well done Erin and thank you for sharing with us!

Mrs Wallace 😊



Problem Solving

Class 6 blew me away with their hard work in tackling our time problems in maths today! They worked beautifully in their collaborative groups and I saw some fabulous peer support and coaching!

I am so proud of you all!

Keep up the hard work!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Amazing Year 1 Writing

A huge well done to all of these children for their amazing writing that they produced in Literacy today!They used all of the elements that we had discussed-Capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and even a conjunction! Keep up the great work superstars!!

Well done

Mrs Wallace

Time for Maths

Today in Maths we have been making our very own clocks in preparation for our unit on Time. The children were great at adding the numbers in the correct order and we can’t wait to use them next week for some time telling fun!!

Well done everyone!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Super Skateboards

To kick off our new theme all about human powered transport we have made some mini skateboards!! The children worked really hard on their designs and everyone produced a wonderful product!

Well done Class 6!

You have certainly started 2019 in an awesome way!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Wonderful Work!

Carter showed his excitement for number this week as he showed his understanding of the number 20.Carter counted as he made 20 marks in the shape of a rectangle and then wrote the number 20 in the middle of his shape. Well done Carter!