Class 14 take over teaching!

I gave up being a teacher today – it’s nearly half term so I thought I deserved a break! I didn’t need to worry though as my class were more than willing to step in to my role..

Some of the children enjoyed being ‘teachers’ today and they taught their friends how to multiply large numbers using the correct method. They were very effective teachers and I know that they helped their friends to learn a lot. I was very impressed but now I am actually quite worried that Mr Butler might replace me with the Year 5s!

Super work!


Magical Maths

Robyn, Cohen and Jersey-May were magical at maths this week! They worked really hard to show their understanding of ordering, counting out, reading and writing numbers. A big well done!

The wonder of critique…

Yesterday, the children in Class 6 created some wonderful jelly fish drawings through the power of critique. The children looked like scientists at a photograph of a jelly fish and carefully had to draw it. We looked at pattern, shape angles and lines. The children were given opportunity to reflect and peer critique each others work to enable them to edit and improve.

Well done to all of you for trying so hard and looking carefully just like scientists and artists do!


Home Learning

Lexi has created a beautiful picture of a horse. She has really taken care with the detail and her art work is superb. Well done Lexi for creating a beautiful picture.