Let’s get measuring!

We have been so busy in Class 6 exploring different ways to measure length and height. The children have used standard and non-standard units to explore this. The children loved drawing around Mrs Langton, Mrs Hay and Mrs Stone to investigate how tall they were.

I wonder…can you measure your own height and write it in your homework book for an extra 10hps?


St Patrick’s Day in Class 6

On Friday, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day by finding out how St Patrick’s Day is celebrated. We had a class quiz and made some shamrock crafts!

I wonder… Can you write down a fun fact about St Patrick’s Day in your homework book for an extra 10hps?

Mrs Hay 🙂



Well done Nahla!

Nahla completed this challenge at home as part of the weekly phonics challenge for last week! Well done Nahla – beautiful writing.

Train Creation Station

This week in nursery we turned our classroom into a train creation station. The children have been busy designing and making their 2D and 3D trains using box modelling , construction and art. The children were challenged to use their knowledge of art and maths. Here are just a few fantastic examples !

We are building Green Top!

Amber and Frankie were inspired by our very own builders from the nursery extension build. “We are building the new Green Top! ” (Nursery) Frankie shared as they both took their tools to the wood to create their model . We are all very excited about the weeks ahead as we move into our beautiful new classroom.

Awesome Oliver and Faith

Oliver has once again been doing some fantastic home learning over half term. He has explored Thorne and taken photographs. He has then compared his modern day photographs to old images of the same place. If you would like to take a look at Oliver’s home learning, it is proudly displayed in our classroom. Well done Oliver!


Faith has been so so brave over half term after several visits to hospital. Here is Faith with her bravery awards. Well done Faith for being a superstar! I am very proud of you!


Mrs Hay 🙂

Percentage Power!

Charley and Owen completed some brilliant percentages work yesterday. They were both so proud of their achievements! Charley even challenged himself further by working out the decimal equivalents to his answers!

Keep up the great work boys!


Ava’s Award-Winning Dragon!

Well done Ava!

Ava’s amazing design has been selected as a winner from lots of entries from all over Doncaster, in the Doncaster Book Award ‘Design-a-Dragon’ Competition. Ava put lots of effort into her Dragoon design at book club and at home and her design has been chosen as a winner by the Book Award Committee! Ava has now been invited to a ceramic arts day with a professional artist during half term, where she will be able to bring her design to life and make her dragon design out of clay!

Ava and her winning dragon!

Congratulations Ava – I’m sure you’re going to have an amazing time!