sports day

What a fantastic sports day we’ve had today and the rain held off which was amazing!

This afternoon the ice cream van visited key stage 1 as a special treat for all the children for their hard work this term.


Thank you to all the parents that came along today to support sports day we really value your continued support.


Rounders: year 4 vs Parents

Year 4 had a fantastic afternoon taking on parents and carers at rounders. There was some excellent teamwork, fielding and communication in this competitive encounter. Parents were narrow winners on this occasion and lifted the trophy.

Thank you to all of those involved! The children have loved it.

The Brilliant Club!

Some of the Year 5 pupils have taken part in a University Scholars programme this year. They enjoyed university style tutorials and had to write a 1000 word final assignment! Each child that participated showed true resilience and motivation to complete the course and achieve their absolute best.

Last night, they graduated from the programme and I was so proud of each and every one of them. Well done to you all – you should all be extremely proud of yourselves!

Follow the link below to see some clips of the graduation!

Graduation Video


Getting in to Wimbledon for Sports Week!

Class 11 have been busy this morning researching facts about Wimbledon and have made some fantastic slides about it!

They celebrated their hard work in typical Wimbledon fashion with strawberries and cream. Perfect!

Well done guys! Miss Laing

Girls football tournament winners!

A huge well done to the Green Top girls who won the tournament this afternoon against the other pyramid schools. You were all amazing and you played so well as a team! I have really enjoyed working with you all over the past two years and I am so proud of how far you have all come!

Thank you as always to everyone who came to support our girls and a special shout out to Ryan M for being awesome at warming the girls up for me! 50hps to you all!

Y3/4 celebration event

Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate our theme learning ‘do you fancy a change?’

Years 3&4 have really enjoyed this theme and having the opportunity to share their learning & their chocolate! Here are a few photos from the event. Please check back later on the year 3&4 blogs for more photos & videos!

We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and we hope to see you all at our picnic in the park event this Sunday at midday!

Goodbye Baby Paisley!

F2 would like to say a HUGE thank you to ‘Baby Paisley’ and her mum Sammy for visiting the children throughout the year. Paisley may only be small but she was a great ‘tiny teacher’ who has taught the children all about being empathetic towards others. We have loved observing Paisley grow throughout the year and see her develop new skills. We will miss you Paisley!

Celebration cafe

What a great afternoon we’ve had today. Our celebration cafe was a huge success!

Thank you to everybody who came and supported this fantastic event and for donating buns to sell. We really appreciate your generosity and time.

Thank you

The key stage 1 team

Out of school achievements

Well done to these superstars! Oliver has achieved his purple belt in MMA, Jake has grown over 100 pea pods at his allotments and he’s brought them in to share with his friends and Levi has won a football trophy at his Stingers football presentation night! Well done boys, £100 class cash each!