Balancing and shape work in PE

Crew Shaw thoroughly enjoyed their first PE lesson today.
They made wide shapes on their feet…

and wide shapes on the floor…

They then made themselves into the smallest shape possible before making different shapes with a partner.

Their next task was to balance on different parts of their bodies, before finishing the lesson with a class circle, where everyone held hands and balanced on one leg.

Well done Crew Shaw, you were amazing today! Xx

We are crew!

Crew Overson created trains on which they wrote their own individual pledges that they will follow to ensure their crew is the best it can be!

The children then wrote words and phrases about what their crew means to them onto train tracks.

Their final task was to build a bridge using various resources that needed to be strong enough to hold a toy train.

Well done Mrs Overson’s superstars!!

Crew Overson’s awesome art!

Today Crew Overson used different techniques to create super pieces of art work using watercolour paints.
They loved how using salt with the paints, ‘bubbled up and made a bumpy texture’ and how using the candle was ‘cool’ because it was ‘exciting waiting to see what it looked like when we painted over it.’
Mrs Overson and myself are so proud of you all! 

Club collection points

You should have received confirmation on Friday about your club selections, please contact the office by 3pm Monday if you’ve not had confirmation of your choices. In order to maintain safeguarding expectations we will be dismissing children from the following doors after clubs. Doors will open at 4pm promptly to dismiss children.

EYFS clubs – collection from Nursery please

KS1 clubs – collection from the double doors on the KS1 corridor (currently Y2 classroom entrance)

Y3-4 clubs – collection from the green double doors with the ramp on the Y3-4 corridor (currently Y3 classroom entrance)

Y5-6 clubs – collection from the green single door at the top of the KS2 playground. (currently Y5 entrance)

These doors will be clearly labelled ready for collection from clubs from Monday.

If your child attends sunset club collection from sunset is between 4.15 and 5.30pm from the school hall and charged at £5 per day.


Mrs Claira Salter

Art in the style of Kandinsky

Today Crew Overson created pieces of abstract art in the style of Wassily Kandinsky.
Kandinsky expressed his feelings and music through shapes, lines and colours in his paintings. Class 13 used these features in their pieces of artwork and did a fantastic job!


We are delighted to be able to offer a more typical afterschool club offer.

Please sign your child up at the form below. (The link will be emailed and sent by text today also)

If you have any questions please ask crew leaders or phase leaders in the first instance

Clubs start on 6th September and End on Thursday 16th December for this term.


Mrs Claira Salter

Our week so far in Year 1..

Well it’s Wednesday and we’ve already done so much!!
We’ve began to build our crew with fun activities like our human knot! We learnt about shapes, we’ve sang about the days of the week and the months of the year. As a class we read and discussed a new book, Mixed, and have thought hard about our feelings and how our actions affect others. We created some beautiful colour wheels in art and retold the story in a comic strip in English.
Class 5 are flourishing in their induction into year 1 and I can’t wait for September!

Well done so far! Miss Good