We are all so proud of the reception children that visited Thorne Pentecostal Church today, their behaviour was amazing from walking all the way from school to their brilliant listening to Pastor Kevin. All the children and staff had a fantastic time at the church joining in with songs, stories and using the amazing play spaces. The children and all the staff would like to thank Pastor Kevin for accommodating us all today and making the day so lovely.
Number Representation
In phonics we have been recapping the sounds /ai/ /ee/ and /igh/ we have also been challenging ourselves to read and write longer words. We have worked our socks off!
Being a Creator!
Reuben created this fantastic football stadium complete with a bespoke pitch and lots of supporters! Well done Reuben and thank you for sharing your ideas with your Crew!
Children’s Mental Health Week
Children’s Mental Health Week is taking place next week on the 7th-13th February. This year’s theme is Growing Together. We will be encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others to grow.
The learning council will be reading and sharing a lovely story with our crews and this will be a real focus in our Community Crew. There will be lots of activities to join in with both inside and outside of school .
Parents and Carers – Children’s Mental Health Week
At Green Top we pride ourselves in allowing the students to talk about their feelings, emotions, moods and wellbeing everyday through our crew circles. This week in our crew circles we will continue to explore mental health and how we can ‘Be Kind’, we will be exploring this as part of our habits of work and learning.
To our parents, we want to take this opportunity to remind you you’re not alone and we are here to help if something is affecting your mental health please reach out for our support.
Maths Day
Look at all these wonderful Maths day outfits. They have certainly promoted lots of fantastic maths talk already today!
Story Time
We’ve had even more lovely books to read in Crew Schon this week. The children have loved the variety of stories that have been coming into school.
Lots to celebrate in class 6
Our phase assembly winners today in class 6 were…
From Crew Rodgers – Work Hard – Eva, Be Kind – Rhys, Get Smart, Adam and HoWL points – Adam. A special mention to Adam who, despite being at home with the dreaded chicken pox, has posted photographs of his homework on classroom every day to earn enough HoWL points to win this week’s certificate and Get Smart award.
From Crew O’Neill – Work Hard – Florence and Get Smart – Radu.
Nathaniel was our reading champion and Deacon, Junior and Tyler gained their Bronze reading certificates.
A huge shout out to Imogen also who proudly showed off her Irish Dancing medals from a comp she entered last weekend.
Amazing job everyone.
Story Time
We’ve been really enjoying reading all the books that have been coming into school this week. These are the books we’ve read so far in Crew Schon…
Nursery’s Google Classroom
We would like to remind all parents on how to join Nursery’s Google Classroom online. We love using this forum as a way of sharing the planned teaching sessions taking place each week and provide you with access to the termly homework menus. The online classroom also give parents the opportunity to share the home learning activities they complete with their children and celebrate the wonderful things you do together.
To access the online classroom you will need to log in through the Green Top website. You can do this by going to the school’s main website and clicking on the ‘log in’ icon in the top right corner. You will then need to enter your child’s unique username as detailed below followed by the generic password which is ‘password’.
username: first [email protected]
For example: [email protected]
The children who have just joined as early starters in January will enter the number 37 after their name, for example [email protected]
Once you are logged in, click on the ‘gmail’ icon at the top of the page (it looks like an envelope). You will have an email inviting you to the online classroom and accepting this invite will give you access to the forum. If you need any more support with this please speak to a member of the nursery team who will be able to help you.
We will share the posts on google classroom every Wednesday with the children and award HoWL points for their hard work and creativity at home. We’re looking forward to seeing all the wonderful things you do together!