Messy Monday

Today in Nursery the children have loved messy sensory play in the garden. We have played with flour and slime. The children have had so much fun.

I wonder what else we will get up to this week?

Awesome Homework

Class 6 have been blowing me away with their efforts towards completing our homework menu! Look at all this super homework. Keep it up. We love sharing your work in our crew sessions.

Painting fun….

This week in Nursery we have been exploring and using paint. The children have had so much fun making different pictures to decorate our Nursery. We have used potato stamps to make bear claws, hand printed spiders and explored mixing different colours.

I wonder what else you could make using paint?

Y6/Class 16 catch up

We’ve had a great start to our week in Class 16 – lots of hard work and getting smart! We also enjoyed a lovely hangout with Mrs Jackson in our morning crew session today.

A big shout out to Oliver who has completed some beautiful home learning this week, including extending the coding activity from our family learning event to code the moon traveling around the earth as it moves around the earth. Well done, Oliver!

As this week is all about celebrating reading, we have also enjoyed a visit by one of our school learning councillors to read us a story at the end of the day. Thank you to Faith from Y5.

Today, we are busy writing up our space crisis narratives in neat … working quietly and developing our stamina for extended writing.

Crew Hilton/ Pearson

Nursery Trip TOMORROW

Dear Parents and Carers,

If you are attending our Nursery trip tomorrow please arrive at the Nursery doors between 8.45 – 9am. We will then prepare to depart by coach at 9.30am. We will be spending the majority of the day outdoors so please wear warm clothes, boots/wellies, bring a raincoat and a packed lunch for you and your child.

If your child usually receives a free school meal, your child will be provided with a packed lunch.

If your child is not attending the trip, Nursery will be closed until Thursday 6th October.

We are really looking forward to a fun packed day and hope you are too.

Many thanks for your support in your child’s learning.

The Nursery Team 🙂

Class 10: more beautiful home learning

Letti has again produced some fantastic home work and brought it in to share with the class. One of them was a letter that she had written which she read out to the class. Class 10 did a fabulous job at pointing out all the features Letti had remembered to include in her letter writing, offering her very kind praise for all her hard work! Well done ☺️.

Y6: Trinity Academy transition website

If you are considering Trinity Academy as a secondary option, they have created a website on the link above. This link contains lots of information about the school including the school prospectus, uniform expectations and key people involved in the transition process.

Kind regards

Mr Mumby

Year 1: Dress Up Day

Wow we had an amazing time on Friday for our expedition dress up day. The children looked amazing and we enjoyed our Royal Banquet as our Funky Friday treat!