Be a Times Table Superstar in year 1 and 2!

We are very excited to announce that we are launching Times Table Rockstars for our classes! Your child will be coming home this evening with login details for an exciting game to help them with their times tables. Your child’s class teacher will have set tables to practise in the garage section of the game. The more they play in this section the faster they will progress through the tables they need to learn. We will be checking the ‘heat map’ each week to see your child’s progress and move them to the next table once they have learned the one they have been set. You can set your own tables in the jamming section but try to stick to ones the children are currently learning…2s, 5s and 10s for year 1 and 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s for year 2. I have attached a video here and a letter here which will give you more information about the game and it’s different levels.

Any questions please see your child’s class teacher.