Class 11 Family Learning! 🌋

We don’t know if you’re aware, but there was an eruption close to Green Top and we had to make sure that we could escape safely from the area. Luckily, we all just about managed to complete the challenging clues and evacuate from the eruption area.

In all seriousness, it was a lovely morning filled with so many smiling faces and not just the children. Thank you to everyone who could make it and for making it a really lovely morning!

Class 11s Magnificent Magna Trip!

Well, it is fair to say that Class 11 loved their trip to Magna today. They got to experience making their own volcano, as well as helping to make it erupt. They used lots of team work, great vocabulary and determination to make sure that the eruption was large.

We then ventured around the Magna Centre to look at other areas, such as the air and fire floors. This literally blew our mind and we enjoyed watching the fire tornado and seeing how that worked.

After a quick spot of lunch and play in the park, Class 11 then went to explore more of the centre, looking at the Earth floor, where we got to try and gather rock and drive diggers (don’t worry, we were in charge of sorting the digging out!) to help collect more rocks. Finally, we finished off in the water area and this was by far our favourite. We got to squirt water guns, drive boats and some of us even experienced a storm on the way!

Class 11 absolutely loved their day at the Magna Centre and have even asked if we can visit again. Hopefully you have heard lots of great stories from them! Thank you as well to the parents that helped out, it definitely made it easier and more settled! 😆

Class 11 fossils 🪨

Today, Class 11 have looked into the process of fossilisation. We learned that happens overtime, after animals decompose, layers of sediment rises over the bones and these eventually turn into rock. We know that they are rare to find, too. We even made our own fossils, which we will come back to tomorrow!

Class 11 Geologists!

Class 11 have been working on creating posters to show off their knowledge of the earth and its layers. Moe specifically, they have researched the different types of soils that make up the Earth. We looked into bedrock, parent material, subsoil, topsoil and the final organic layer. The layers were researched through the use of iPads which ensured we could get the really strong knowledge!

Class 11 Earth Hook! 🌎🌍🌏

Today, Class 11 were right back into action and have began their hook week for the new Expedition. The new Expedition is called Earth Shattering Events: What happens when nature strikes?

The children were focusing on the different layers that made up the Earth, so it only felt right that we created a fun, collage that showcased the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core, so that we could see the different layers of work.

Keep an eye on the blog, as we continue to be hooked into our new Expedition this week!

Class 11 Presentation of Learning! 🔋🌱🦷

This afternoon, Class 11 were the teachers for the adults that came to see the Presentation of Learning for the Spring Expedition. The Class took on the duty of sharing their knowledge, teaching the adults and explaining their learning about circuits, plants, digestion and Scratch food chains.

I was really impressed by the level of explanation from our mini-teachers and I’m sure adults will agree that they did a super job. The pressure was really on though for the Kahoot Quiz. The children’s teaching went towards the Quiz and was based on what they taught the adults.

I’m sure that adults will agree that Class 11 did a fantastic job of teaching and helped impart some knowledge. Check out below the teachers in action!

We appreciate you turning up to our Presentation of Learning and hope you had a great time! 😆