Class 10s day!

To say that this was Class 10s first attempt at reading block, they smashed it out of the park. We had some super discussions about our class text, whilst also trying to make predictions about the book based on illustrations, the title and also the blurb. We also discussed what fiction and non-fiction was.

We also learned about how the Romans used mosaics as part of their artwork, so we thought… why don’t we do the same? Although there were many bits and our hands were full of glue, we still enjoyed creating our very own mosaics!

Finally, we ended the day with our own Roman sports day. We had chariot racing, Roman hurdles, marching practise and we even had a shot put event. Despite the heat (it really did feel like and Italian summer) we loved it!

Hook Week – Day 1! 🏛️

What a great start to Hook Week by Class 10. We wondered who the Romans were, where they came from and what they did for us? So what better way to learn about the Romans than research about them. We did this collaboratively and were able to create some really factual anchor charts that we will be able to use!

I cannot fault Class 10s start to the week – it really was super!

Class 10s first day in Year 3! 😆

What a fantastic first day back Class 10 have had. I am absolutely blown away by their attitude, hard work and kindness. Have you really had 5 weeks off?

We started today by having XP Outdoors with Mr Kershaw and Class 9. We had to build dens after there was a devastating storm that had sunk our ship. As a Crew, we had to make sure we worked together to collect materials and build dens that we could survive it!

After this, Class 10 were introduced to their first week back, mini-guiding question. We are looking into ‘what does Crew mean to me?’ Using think, pair, share, Class 10 were able to have some interesting discussions about how Crew helps them and others. There were so many fantastic ideas that were discussed! We found out that we would be spreading the message of kindness by painting kind messages onto rocks.

After lunch, we then continued our day by looking for rocks on the school field that could be used for our positivity rocks. We found loads and hope that we can inspire the wider community to complete their own, once ours are completed!

Year 3 Transition! 🚀

What a great first impression from the new Year 3s. They have been kind, funny and eager to learn about space and more specifically Yuri Gagarin – the first man to go into space. The new Y3s have worked hard on understanding his life and have also created some artwork based on planets!

Class 11 flood research! 🌊

As we ended the week, Class 11 have been researching what can cause a flood. We have also looked into how humans can cause flooding, the physical impact to the earth that this can have and then how we can prevent them in the future. I can’t praise Class 11 enough for how well they collaborated with each other. It was another lovely lesson that we have had this week!

Class 11 Writing! 📝

I have not got enough praise for the writing that Class 11 have produced. This was the start and I know that it will only get better! We completed the first part of our setting description and applied our knowledge of expanded noun phrases. We created lovely descriptions to describe the farm.

Class 11 practises weights!

Nope, it’s not those type of weights! We’ve been getting to understand how different objects have a different mass. We used weighing scales to be able to see this and we used our vocabulary of lighter, heavier and mass to gain more confidence with this. Check out how we got on below!

Class 11 Narrative Learning! 📚

Today, Class 11 have been exploring different features of narrative writing. We looked at a story about a Flood. We have been looking closely at features like fronted adverbials, conjunctions and what actually makes a great story. This included a setting description at the start to set the scene, a problem that happens in the middle and a resolution (we hope) at the end. What impressed me more though was Class 11s collaboration together. They found so many features and just cracked on with the job.