Today the children had a wonderful time creating scarecrows in Literacy Lab based around our story ‘The Scarecrow’s Wedding’.
Today the children had a wonderful time creating scarecrows in Literacy Lab based around our story ‘The Scarecrow’s Wedding’.
In Literacy we are looking at writing lists by writing the letter shapes we know. Can you have a go at writing a list for something? It could be a list of your favourite toys, a shopping list, a list of the people who live in your house, a ‘to do’ list. Whatever you like! Think carefully about what letters look like and what sounds you can hear in words to help you.
In Maths this week we are looking at sharing equally. Can you use objects or drawings to show sharing amounts equally? Use plates and objects to help you.
Can you share 6 biscuits between 3 children?
How many do they all get?
Is it the same?
Is it fair?
On a hot day what could be better? Thank you to Harper for bringing everyone an ice lolly to enjoy whilst listening to a story with Mrs Wooldridge. It was so kind and generous of you Harper!
We have been practising our addition skills this week in our maths learning, we have been using number tracks and continued our learning with a game of snakes and ladders!
Well done everyone 😊
Mrs Wallace
A big well done to Phoenix for your super home learning using coins to help you subtract and count. A big well done also for putting your pyjamas on by yourself! You are a superstar! 10 HoWL points have been added to Class Dojo!
This week in maths we will be focusing on subtraction. We wonder if you could practise subtracting numbers from 10 (or if you find this super easy…move on to 20).
All you need are some objects, this could be cubes, pasta, cereal, bean bags, toys, play dough – whatever you like! and a hoop. If you don’t have a hoop you could draw a circle using chalk or simply use a piece of paper to count out 10 objects on and then take them away.
Please send a photo of you subtracting at home to [email protected] so that we can celebrate your home learning at Nursery and you will be awarded 10 HoWL points!
Happy learning! 🙂
Hello Nursery!
I hope you have had a wonderful half term break and are excited for all of our learning, play and celebration adventures we have coming up over the next 7 weeks!
This month is Pride month and I would like to share with you my recommended ‘book of the month’ called and Tango makes three. It’s a truly beautiful true story about two very special penguins who live in Central Park Zoo in New York City named Roy and Silo who adopt a baby penguin and make their own very special family. This story reminds us that love is love!
Here are some pictures of my family enjoying the story and the very beautiful illustrations. Maybe you’d like to read this story with your family too?
Are there any books that you’ve read lately that you have loved and could recommend to us?
We had a fantastic story at the end of the day, we loved joining in with our sound effects and learning about the farm!
Don’t forget to record your masked reader video tonight… I wonder what we will read tomorrow?
Mrs Wallace
Big shout out to these children in Crew Wallace who took part in our daily maths challenge and a huge well done to all of the children in F2- we had some fantastic conversations around this today! Well done all!
Mrs Wallace
Dear Parents and carers,
As a school we have subscribed to Collins Big Cat ebooks. This gives teachers access to over 1000 reading books online, including 256 fully decodable phonics ebook readers aligned to Letters and Sounds, our phonics programme.
Your child’s teacher will assign them access to books at an appropriate reading level. Linked to each book there are resources and ideas to encourage comprehension skills for home-learning activities. Some of the books can be quizzed on Accelerated Reader and a list will be available in KS2 classrooms for children to check against.
Please click here on the parent’s guide to find out how to access your child’s account at home.
Please note the Collins eBooks app is available for iOS from the App Store and for android devices on the Google Play Store. The app is free to download, and you can log in using the same details.
When using the app, you can download books to your device, after which you can then access them without needing to be connected to the internet.
If you have any problems please ask class teachers or email [email protected] and they will forward the email to me.
Mrs Jackson
English Lead