Nutritious food! 🍎🌱

Today, Class 11 have been looking into food and their nutritional value. We looked at what the Eatwell food chart to show what is needed for a balanced diet and why. After this, we then looked at how the different nutrients, such as carbohydrates and fibre, help our body.

We then worked really well and collaboratively with the iPads, looking into the red label of a McDonald’s food order. Unfortunately, we couldn’t order them and that was lucky for us, as the amount of salts and sugars surprised some of us.

Here is a sneak peak into the work the classroom during our work.

P.S. – we apologise in advance for any conversations around the food labels, as I know some of us were already checking at lunch!

Celebrating British Science Week

Today marks the start of British Science Week and we can’t wait to get involved when we get back to school next week. Each crew will take part in a fascinating fingerprint investigation led by the school council. We will also have science club attending the coffee afternoon (Wednesday 15th) to share some of the exciting things we get up to at science club.

In the meantime, there are a few challenges you can get involved in at home and bring into school next week.

For Tuesday – Create a timeline of scientists through history. What are some of the greatest discoveries and who made them?

For Wednesday – Invent like a Victorian. Channel your inner inventor and design something to make life at home easier.

For Thursday – See and Eat Vegetables. Investigate the connection between how vegetables grow and how they end up on your plate.

You could also find your own investigations to try! Send any pictures of you being a scientist to your phase leaders. We can’t wait to see what you get up to!

Class 11 food chains!

Class 11 have been learning all about food chains and that it shows how energy passes through different creatures, beginning with consumers all the way to the main predator. Class 11 showed great knowledge and came up with some fantastic food chains of their own, labelling the variety of creatures, their role and explaining how energy passes through these animals.

Class 11 World Book Day!

Well, Class 11 have loved World Book Day. We have had some absolutely fantastic costumes of our favourite characters and they’ve blown me away. Check them out here!

During Crew, we then went on a hunt around the class to put the pieces of the book covers together. We spoke about which book interested us the most and why. After this, we discussed our favourite books and characters, with lots of interesting discussions in pairs. This all resulted in a book review of our favourite books.

This afternoon, we looked at the purpose of a blurb and how to write one. The children then were given images or were allowed to create their own books, complete with blurb, front cover and title. Some of us loved it that much that we even started to write the first chapters of these books!

Finally, we announced the winner of our competition for the best costume, as chosen by Mrs Pearson. She chose Andrew, who dressed as Dobby from Harry Potter!

Class 11 Beautiful Work!

Here are some of the great and beautiful pieces of work that Class 11 have produced this week. I am blown away by the presentation on show from not just these books but others. The children have improved and we have even looked in our books from the start of the year to show off our amazing progress. Keep making it hard to choose pieces to show off!