Pyjamarmara Day Friday 14th May

On Friday 14th May we will be taking part in the Book Trust’s Pyjamarama Day and children are invited to come to school in their pyjamas, dressing gowns or onesies!  As we missed out on dressing up for World Book Day, you may prefer to come to school dressed up as your favourite book character instead!

All we ask is that you bring a donation of £1 to go towards the Book Trust Charity.

We can’t wait to see what everyone decides to wear!

This event will be the launch of Green Top Reading Week, which will take place the week beginning 17th May, when there will be lots of fun reading challenges set for you to take part in.  More information will follow next week!

Wonderful Wednesday! Story Time with Mrs Hay

Wonderful Wednesdays are the highlight of my week as I get to see our beyond amazing Nursery children for Story Time with Mrs Hay. This week we read ‘My Monster and Me’ by Nadiya Hussain and Ella Bailey. A beautiful story about sharing our worries and knowing that when we talk our worries get smaller and smaller.

See you next week Nursery for another story time! ⭐️

Home learning challenge

This week we are looking at the events in our class story ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle but the grown ups would like to know what is YOUR favourite story?

Can you draw a picture of what happens in the beginning, middle and end of your favourite story and send it to [email protected] or simply show us your picture on the nursery door for a photo. A tag for our reward tree will be waiting for you if you can…

Happy reading! 🙂


Jack’s Hungry Caterpillar

  1. Today, Jack created this beautiful caterpillar after being inspired by our class story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ written by Eric Carle. Jack carefully cut his ‘c’ for the caterpillar’s body and a circle for the head before adding a face and details with a pen and pipe cleaner antenna.
    Well done Jack for your gorgeous caterpillar! I love it!

I wonder who else can make one tomorrow?


Today, the children and I went on a journey in the classroom-like the girl in our story ‘journey’ we had plenty of obstacles to overcome!! We used our magic crayon to draw some picture ideas of what transport we would use!

Fabulous conversations, drama, ideas and pictures! It was a pleasure to see all of the creativity!

Well done guys!

Another step on our journey tomorrow!

Mrs Wallace 😊

My evening with Elliott.

Good evening everyone.

Here I am with my little chum Elliott enjoying my book of the month at bedtime last night. Don’t forget to record any of your own books that you read at home in your Reading Diary.

Did you know that reading at bedtime can help you to relax so you get a better night’s sleep?

See you soon

Juicy xx

Exciting new reading challenge!

Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are beginning an exciting new reading challenge competition!

Starting tomorrow, Friday the 10th of January, everytime your child brings their reading pack into school to be changed they will receive a raffle ticket. Once every 4 weeks a lucky winner from each class will win a SUPER READER HAMPER full of prizes. The more your child reads at home, the more chances they will have of winning the monthly prize!

So come on! Get out those reading packs and get reading!!!