Year 5 have worked their socks off this week! We have completed Science experiments, immersion activities, artwork, Reading lessons and Maths! We have learned lots whilst having fun…Hook Week completed!
Santa came to visit Crew Walton…We hope everyone makes the Nice List!!
Year 5 Lecture prep…
We are working extremely hard in Year 5, researching, planning and preparing our Lecture slides and scripts! We cannot wait to entertain our adults on the evening of Wednesday 4th December!
Year 5 Faith Day
In Year 5, we built on our existing knowledge of Hinduism to focus on Darma, Karma and Reincarnation. We really enjoyed creating our own Darma symbols and held some really in-depth discussions about karma, the meaning and how we can adapt these beliefs into every day life to be the best versions of ourselves!
Crew Walton Will Remember…
Crew Walton Bikeability
Due to instructor illness, Crew Walton’s Bikeability sessions are now Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November. The non-rider sessions for all will remain Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th. Please ensure your child brings their equipment and appropriate footwear and bottoms. Thank you.
Year 5 Bikeability information
Children will need sensible shoes and trousers, uniform top and a waterproof jacket for Bikeability. The sessions happen regardless of weather!
Tuesday 5th/Wednesday 6th November- Crew Spetch sessions
Wednesday 6th/Monday 11th November- Crew Walton sessions
Tuesday 12th/Wednesday 13th November- Non Rider sessions (for those who have ticked the non rider box)
Children need to bring in their bikes and helmets for their allocated days and park them in the bike spaces on the playground. Those who have requested equipment hire will be provided with them at school.
Have a wonderful half term break!
Y5-Crew Walton-Experimenting with Air Resistance
Eoghan’s Out of this world home learning!
Year 5 Bikeability
Exciting opportunity!! Year 5 will be taking part in Bikeability Cycle Training over 2 weeks beginning 4th November. This is a free course. Children will be bringing home information this week. Please complete and return the forms as soon as possible. The deadline is Wednesday 16th October.