Nursery celebration of learning & book sale

A reminder that on Wednesday 13th March 1.30pm we will be hosting our Nursery celebration of learning for ‘Who is hiding in the pages of the book?’ We will enjoy some activities and sharing of our product. We will also be holding another book sale to raise funds for EYFS resources.
We look forward to you all joining us.

Thank you for your on going support in your child’s learning.

Mrs Hay & the Nursery Team

Class 10 forces experiment!

Today, Class 10 have made predictions about how friction will affect how vehicles travel. We tested the car on different surfaces and found that, the smoother the surface, the further the car went. However, the rougher or bumpier the surface, the more friction there was and the car would travel less distance.

Well done Class 10 on working so well together! 🙂

KS1 Community Crew Assembly

Big well done to our Crew Champions this week! We have had some amazing hard work this past week and this was clear with the amount HOWL points being dished out. Huge shoutout for the HUGE amounts of reading certificates given out this week, specially to Martha on 200 reads!!!!

Thank you to our adults for coming to celebrate with us, we hope you agree that we have a wonderful crew in KS1.

Class 10 magnets! 🧲

What a great lesson from Class 10, today! We experimented with magnets and put on our scientific hats with the hope of finding out what materials were magnetic and which weren’t. We accurately predicted that the items made of metal (paper clips, coins and table legs) would attract the magnet, but items that were not made of metal (rulers, paper and rubbers) would not attract them.

However, some did try to trick me into thinking that plastic was magnetic!

Keep up the great scientific work, Class 10! 🙂

Baking play in Nursery

This week, the children have been learning about the role of a baker. The children have explored this in play using flour, pasta, lentils, mud, sand and water inside and in the mud kitchen. The children have had so much fun creating their own recipes for ‘rainbow buns’ and ‘angel bread’.