Poppy art and poetry in Nursery

The children created poppy art today for Remembrance Day using paint, sponges, cardboard, leaves and tissue paper. Together as a class, we then collaborated and produced our own metaphor poem. This is how it goes…

Poppies are

Red as tomatoes and hot peppers.

Bright as the sun.

Important as the soldiers.

Special as our nursery.

Nursery fine motor development and writing

The children used play dough to roll, twist, poke and pinch to build up their muscles in their fingers ready for writing. The children then practised writing the grapheme ‘b’ linked to our phonics rhyme this week ‘BINGO’.

I wonder can you practise singing this rhyme at home? Say the phoneme ‘b’ and have a go at writing the grapheme? This could be in sand, glitter, on paper, with paint, crayons or chalk.

Year 5 Faith Day

In Year 5, we built on our existing knowledge of Hinduism to focus on Darma, Karma and Reincarnation. We really enjoyed creating our own Darma symbols and held some really in-depth discussions about karma, the meaning and how we can adapt these beliefs into every day life to be the best versions of ourselves!

Class 7 faith day!

Today, Class 7 have learned about Hinduism during our second faith day of the year. We watched some traditional stories, learned about the long history of Hinduism and then created our own Rangoli patterns We loved it!

Reception Reading Books

This week the children have all received a reading book. It is the expectation that the children will read their book at home and this is recorded in the yellow reading record that came in their reading pack. This will support the children in their phonics skills and help to improve their reading fluency.

Books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday as long as it is evident in their reading record that they have read the book. If you need any support with anything reading please ask a member of the F2 Team.


Y3 & Y4 – Back to Learning with a Bang!

What a busy and exciting couple of days back in school for Year 3 and 4, where we have engaged with lots of valuable input from experts about our expedition topic – war and how it changes lives.

On Monday, we enjoyed a very informative zoom call with two wartime experts who talked us through the lives of children in WW2, as well as guiding us through the work done by women as part of the ‘home-front’.

Then today, we have enjoyed another visit by the Victoria Cross Trust:

Mick, who worked with us back at the start of our expedition, revisited us to share more information about the Victoria Cross medal and some of its recipients from Doncaster, in particular: Thomas Harper VC, Thomas Bryan VC and George Wyatt VC who we are writing biographies about to include in our final product.

And, Keith guided each class through Thorne Cemetery to identify and research the Common Wealth graves located there. We were fascinated by the soldiers that we learnt about and the visit really helped to highlight the importance of the upcoming Remembrance Day and how important it is to remember those who fought – and still do so – for our country. We will remember them!

To end our fantastic day, Keith presented us with some beautiful commemorative slate plaques which show each of the VC Soldiers that we are learning about and the act of bravery which led to them receiving their most prestigious award. We look forward to keeping these plaques in school and to future generations Green Top students benefitting from these going forwards.