Well done to Ava-Leigh, Isabella, Ruby, Ivy-Ray, Myles and Ezra for showing the courage to read aloud to the rest of the class.

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Well done to Ava-Leigh, Isabella, Ruby, Ivy-Ray, Myles and Ezra for showing the courage to read aloud to the rest of the class.
We had a lovely presentation of learning this afternoon with lots of adults coming to celebrate the work completed this expedition. We also sold lots of gorgeous notebooks and we loved seeing them going off to their new homes!
Remember you can still purchase notebooks for £3.50 with cash or via ParentPay.
ASPIRE drug and alcohol service are having an Easter Open Day at their New Beginnings facility. Everyone is very welcome to pop up, enjoy a bit of easter spirit, have a look around the building and ask any questions about the service.
Don’t forget it is our Presentation of Learning tomorrow at 2pm. We are excited to see you all and show off our new skills whilst preparing a healthy meal!
Reminder: Bun sale tomorrow to raise funds for the Y6 leavers events.
Buns will be on sale for 50p. If you would like to buy a bun, please bring your money and hand to your class teacher tomorrow morning.
Any buns left over will be sold outside Year 6 at home time.
We had a fantastic morning at the new Thorne Memorial park on Friday. We were very proud to be the first school children to be invited to try out the fantastic new equipment and ride the train. If you visit be sure to look out for the friendship stones, fairy doors and bug hotels that we have left.
We had so much fun last week investigating all sorts of forces. We participated in lots of different experiments including air resistance, floating and sinking and gravity. We made parachutes and air powered rockets and tested out how much cargo our tin foil boats would carry. The children asked lots of ‘what if’ questions and we had held very scientific evaluations of the products we made.
I am very proud of you all Class 6!
We were so lucky to spend some time at the park today enjoying the new playground and a train ride. The children, as always were wonderful and a credit to the school, it was so lovely to see them enjoy and play safely in their local community. They definitely had a great time.