Thank you to Gabby who came down to our class this week to read a story. She did a fantastic job and showed great courage to read the book in front of them. It was also great to see Daniel volunteer to read a book as well. I was so pleased to see how much confidence you showed in your reading. Well done to the both of you!
A big thank you to Miss Knowles’ crew for coming and doing some maths-related orienteering with the Year 3’s. They were all amazing with the children and I know our crew really enjoyed the activity!
What a lovely Crew session we have had today! Class 7 were lucky to have some Year 5 maths teachers help them learn in a fun way! We certainly enjoyed it. Massive thanks to Class 14 for all your teaching 🙂
We had a gorgeous crew session this morning where the Year 6s supported the Y3 children in a maths orienteering activity! It was so lovely to see the compassion that our Year 6s displayed and the courage that Year 3 displayed!
What a lovely morning crew we had today. The year 4 children were joined by the beautiful year 1 children to play maths and number games. The children thoroughly enjoyed it!
This morning in crew time, the children in Crew Jackson turned into little teachers and supported the children in Crew Dutton with their maths learning. Y6 showed the character traits of compassion and integrity by guiding the children through the task and I was blown away by how grown up they were. Well done Y3 on having the courage to work with Y6 – you were all superstars!