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Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is national anti-bullying week which we will be celebrating again this year as a school.  Odd socks day – Show and express your true self and individuality on Tuesday 12th November 2019!  The crazier the better, let’s all sparkle and shine together 🙂

Odd Socks Day Banner

What is it?

Most importantly, Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

For more information and resources for you guys at home and to help with any concerns linked to cyber-bullying and e-safety – check out their official website link here  !

Poppy Appeal

Poppy appeal items will be on sale all Thursday and Friday this week they will be brought round to classes by school councilors but can also be purchased at break and lunch times in class 12.

All items available are 50p from the box or any donation for a paper poppy.

We thank you for your continued support!

Operation Christmas Child

Please help us pack and send 100 shoe boxes to a child in need for them to open on Christmas day! 

For more information see below or click here to visit the Operation Christmas Child‘s Website.

We will be collecting donations between the 4th and 13th November 2019. If you would also wish to donate £1 towards the shipping of these boxes it will be very gratefully received.

Each class will have around 6 shoe boxes to pack up and send to a child across the globe! We are asking for new or like new donations to help a child in need on Christmas day.  Please see below for donation ideas.
We thank you again for your continued support with all we do, thank you!


It has been brought to my attention that there is a worrying video currently being shown at the end of YouTube videos which are aimed at children. Upon further investigation, this has been covered in the national news today also. The messages given out during these videos challenge children to do inappropriate and dangerous things but also not to tell an adult or ‘Momo’ -a scary looking character- will ‘get them’.

This is obviously a huge concern and we will be discussing e-safety tomorrow in our daily circles in all classes, however, please also safeguard your children when they are using YouTube and other social media apps by discussing actions to take if something pops up they are worried about or feel is inappropriate.

Further advice on how to restrict searches on YouTube can be found here 

However, please be aware that some of the inappropriate messages have been embedded into child friendly videos in this case and therefore even safe searches may bring this concerning message up.




Primary Voice

The School Council were very lucky to have a meeting with Amy from Doncaster Council who works with ‘Pupil Voice’ to try and get the children of our borough heard.  We have all been asked to play a part in helping to make Doncaster a more child friendly borough!!  How exciting.

Our first (new) meeting

It was such a great hour to sit with the council they have made some fantastic points about what they would like to see and change in school.  It’s down to them now to gather ideas from their classes and see what we can put in place for these changes and ideas to be made effective.  Well done.

See below our meeting minutes.

School Council is changing.

In order to try and make the school council more apparent within our school community and have more of an impact we are changing the way we currently run.

Our meetings will be now held monthly but for an hour at a time.   The council will be expected to share our meetings with their class and gather responses and ideas from their peers so please allow time for this in class.

The council will be soon expected to be more child lead, with our older councillors running meetings and minute making.  All children will be expected to check on our message board for meeting times, dates, place and topics in order to make sure they come prepared with ideas.

These children have some many ideas and things they feel they would like to change to make it easier for all.  I can’t wait to get up and running with you all in our new way after Christmas.