Multiplication tables practice

This is a great online resource to keep your times table knowledge sharp!

It is also inline with the Y4 multiplications table checker that should have taken place this year.

Give it a go and let me know what you think!


Green Fingers in the Hub

Now the sun is shining and the weather is getting a bit warmer we are making some changes to our outside area.

During outdoor learning this week we have planted some seeds which will hopefully grow into lovely colourful flowers that attract insects.

Next week its sunflowers!!

Flippin’ Pancakes

Mrs Walton had lots of fun flipping pancakes this afternoon!

Brandon had lots of eating them!


It has been brought to my attention that there is a worrying video currently being shown at the end of YouTube videos which are aimed at children. Upon further investigation, this has been covered in the national news today also. The messages given out during these videos challenge children to do inappropriate and dangerous things but also not to tell an adult or ‘Momo’ -a scary looking character- will ‘get them’.

This is obviously a huge concern and we will be discussing e-safety tomorrow in our daily circles in all classes, however, please also safeguard your children when they are using YouTube and other social media apps by discussing actions to take if something pops up they are worried about or feel is inappropriate.

Further advice on how to restrict searches on YouTube can be found here 

However, please be aware that some of the inappropriate messages have been embedded into child friendly videos in this case and therefore even safe searches may bring this concerning message up.




Pizza, pizza and more pizza!

You could easily have been in Italy when Riley, Brandon, Alfie and Emmeline were cooking their rustic pizzas.

Under the supervision of Mrs Walton and Mrs Robson they made their own dough and added their choice of toppings.

Brilliant bakers


Our brilliant bakers showed off their skills in the kitchen.

They weighed and measured their ingredients to make their cupcakes.

Well done guys, they tasted amazing!

Maths Whizz!

Riley has done some incredible maths this week! He was so proud of his multiplication work. Multiplying by 2 digits – wow Riley!

New toys in the Hub!

The new train tracks have been a hit with the students in the Hub.

At lunchtime some year 5 boys built a track and during Funky Friday Alfie chose to come and play with them too. He was so proud he took a photo!