On Friday 10th December, we will be having a Christmas jumper day to raise money for the ‘Save the Children’ charity. Children are encouraged to come to school wearing a Christmas jumper or t-shirt and bring a donation of £1. Thank you for your support, we can’t wait to see your Christmas outfits!
Nursery Superstars!⭐️
Our Nursery superstars working hard, being kind and getting smart this week! Well done Brodie, Olivia and Scarlett, we are really proud of you!
Also a big shout out to Vinnie for consolidating his phonics skills and creating a musical instrument at home!
A Christmas Journey
This morning the children had a wonderful time exploring the story of the birth of baby Jesus. They took part in two interactive workshops learning about the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem and talking with a shepherd looking after her sheep on a hillside. The children also loved the stable scene craft and choosing a story book to take home. Thank you so much for the donations made towards the Doncaster Schools Work Trust charity. Linda and Amy commented on how lovely our children are – they listened so carefully and joined in with the activities so well.
Nursery experience ‘A Christmas Journey’…
Tomorrow we are going to be visited by a team from Doncaster Schools Work Trust. The children in Nursery will take part in a workshop titled ‘A Christmas Journey’ which is a hands on interactive experience introducing them to the nativity story and exploring the birth of baby Jesus.
The charity are kindly donating their services for free and invite parents and carers to make a voluntary contribution towards covering the cost of their resources and the gift each child will take home. If you would like to do so please could you bring £2 to nursery tomorrow.
If you would like to find out more information about the charity it is available on their website http://dswt.co.uk/
Look out for a blog post tomorrow sharing with you the fun we get up to!
Shout Out
A huge thank you to Brodie and his family for their wonderful donations of resources for classroom! The children are thoroughly enjoying them already!
Tuning into Instrumental Sounds
This week in Nursery we are continuing to develop our listening skills by tuning into instrumental sounds. The children loved exploring different musical instruments by passing them around the circle and a having a go at playing each one. I was so impressed with how well the children were able to name each instrument and describe the sound it makes. Then we played some listening games such as trying to identify which instrument we heard while everyone closed their eyes.
We would like to invite the children to bring in a plastic bottle or container this week that we could recycle into our own musical instruments. We are hoping to fill them with lots of different things and decorate them so we can use them in our indoor and outdoor environment!
What a special Funky Friday !
Today we had special visitors come and join us in FFT…Minnie and Mickey Mouse! They had heard we had an amazing week with top HoWL points and wanted to say hello before they go and get busy for Christmas! We enjoyed a dance together to some of our favourite party tunes including baby shark! We are super lucky and a HUGE shout out and thank you to Kuba for arranging our special surprise!
Super Subitising!
This week in nursery we have seen some super subitising! The children have been getting better at subitising using numbers to 5 but have blown me away with their interest in matching number to quantity and their writing of numbers! Here are some of our special moments!
One page profile
Please look out for your child’s ‘one page profile’ coming home this week! Simply enjoy completing with your child and return to nursery. You may write down your conversations or ask your child to draw their thoughts while you annotate. We look forward to learning more about our children in nursery and can’t wait to share them together in crew!
Learning Legends
Today we had three learning legends in Nursery. Well done to Esmai-Grace, Bodhi and Annie! Thank you for working hard in phonics and maths sessions and being kind to your crew 😃.