Class 8: Islamic tessellations

On our faith day today, the children learnt about Islamic patterns and tessellations. We looked at 2d shapes that were used and we used the ipads to create our own repeating patterns and tessellations. We really enjoyed working in pairs to change the size of shapes, move them and alter the colour. We definitely worked on our perseverance skills today. What a fabulous day! Well done class 8 x

Class 8 Presentation of learning

Thank you so much to all of the parents and grandparents who came to our presentation of learning today. I loved that you let the children lead their own learning and show you the skills that they have learnt.

They have loved showing you their chopping, cutting and grating skills this morning.

The children are very proud of their art work on their shrinky dinks too and have all received a postcard from an adult saying how great they were!

Thank you again, have a lovely Easter break x

Class 8: debate

Crew Shaw had a fantastic debate this morning. We were deciding whether the children thought that technology was good or bad for our bodies, minds and the world. They came up with their own arguments using their own opinions and decided which side they would be on…for or against!

I really enjoyed listening to their points of view and how respectful they were of others views!

Class 8: fantastic park visit

We have had the best morning at Thorne park! We were the first ever children to play on Thorne Park and it really was a special moment when they opened the gates for the first time. We have hidden kindness stones for people to find and we even had a go on the train! What a wonderful morning we have had x

Class 8 science experiment: magnets

The children had fun with magnets today! They had a look to see how they attracted and repelled each other. They then found different objects around the classroom to see what was attracted to the magnets. The children then tested metal stationary to see how many they could attach to their magnet…it was lots of fun!