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Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is national anti-bullying week which we will be celebrating again this year as a school.  Odd socks day – Show and express your true self and individuality on Tuesday 12th November 2019!  The crazier the better, let’s all sparkle and shine together 🙂

Odd Socks Day Banner

What is it?

Most importantly, Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

For more information and resources for you guys at home and to help with any concerns linked to cyber-bullying and e-safety – check out their official website link here  !

Poppy Appeal

Poppy appeal items will be on sale all Thursday and Friday this week they will be brought round to classes by school councilors but can also be purchased at break and lunch times in class 12.

All items available are 50p from the box or any donation for a paper poppy.

We thank you for your continued support!

Welcome back!

What a fabulous first day back at school we have had in Class 6! We spent the morning learning about the different shapes, sizes and colours of coins and doing activities linked to our new class text, Elmer.

It would be fabulous if you could support our learning in maths by allowing your children to investigate coins at home.

I wonder what the mysterious colourful squares we have been making will be used for…..watch this space!!

Reading at home buddies

Hi Everyone.

Our names are Juicy and Jemima and we live in Classes 5 and 6.

Beginning tomorrow evening (Tuesday, 5th November) we will each be coming home with one of the children from our classes for a one night sleep-over. We will be bringing a story book for you to share with your child and our very own jotter for your child to record details of our evening together. This could be a sentence telling what we have done, a drawing or a photograph.

Please will you make sure you send us back to school the following morning so we can be ready to go home with someone else that evening?

We won’t be coming home with anyone on Friday’s as we go home with Miss Rodgers and Mrs Jackson at weekend’s so we can have a bath!

We can’t wait to meet you all!

See you soon

Juicy and Jemima xx

P.S. It would be wonderful if you could e-mail any photograph’s to School so Miss Rodgers can add them to the Blog.

Operation Christmas Child

Please help us pack and send 100 shoe boxes to a child in need for them to open on Christmas day! 

For more information see below or click here to visit the Operation Christmas Child‘s Website.

We will be collecting donations between the 4th and 13th November 2019. If you would also wish to donate £1 towards the shipping of these boxes it will be very gratefully received.

Each class will have around 6 shoe boxes to pack up and send to a child across the globe! We are asking for new or like new donations to help a child in need on Christmas day.  Please see below for donation ideas.
We thank you again for your continued support with all we do, thank you!