Well done to everyone in Year 1 that has shared their learning and fun Easter activities with us today.

I notice…some beautifully presented writing

I praise… amazing snails counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

I wonder… who will spot signs of Spring their garden or on a walk this weekend

You are all Can-do-Colin’s in my eyes!

Here is a selection of the amazing photographs shared with us today..

Lego Challenges

Here are 30 challenges for those of you who like to play with Lego – maybe you could share them (use [email protected]) and we’ll put a video together of all those different creations.

Thursday in Year 1

Well done Year 1 you have had another great day, whether it be that you’ve enjoyed some family time chilling at home, completed maths and English tasks or had lots of creative fun making Easter things. You are all awesome in our eyes :)))
I notice… lots of creativity in the different ways we made sheep
I praise … the super paper chain number bonds made by some children

I wonder… if we are all making sure we get some fresh air too!

Here is a selection of today’s learning and fun activities…


Wonderful Wednesday in Year 1

Another day of fun and learning in year 1. We love to see what you are getting up to so we can celebrate with you.  You are all learning legends in my eyes!

I notice…lots of super fit children doing obstacle courses.
I praise…beautiful work on ‘signs of Spring’
I wonder…whether any grown ups won snakes and ladders in your maths work today

Look at some of our amazing work on ‘signs of Spring’.


Year 1 Learning Legends today are…

Well done to everyone who has completed work today, we are super impressed with you all :))

Today I notice…

Jack using his toys to help him with his maths

Emilea producing an awesome story map of ‘We’re going on an egg hunt’.

Today I praise…

The awesome Easter expedition work by Erin, Andra and Josephine.  I love how you produced a selection of animals and Erin even made a garden scene for them to live in.

Dolly Parton will be reading a bedtime story from the imagination library collection of books each evening at 7pm starting on Thursday 2nd April.

See the youtube link below.


Bedtime Story

Hi everyone

I thought Year 1 might enjoy hearing a story at the end of each day so from Monday to Friday at around 6pm I will post a video on our Google Classroom thread of me reading a couple of chapters of the Pig Diaries.

The first installment is on now.

See you soon

Stay safe

Miss R xx