Children in Need: Competition Winners

Thank you to all of those children who entered the Children in Need competition. There were some fantastic designs but our school council have managed to choose one winning entry from each phase. Well done to the winners, prizes will be sent out to you shortly.

Reuben – EYFS

Harrison – KS1

Leila – LKS2

Summer-mai – UKS2

Save the Children: Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 10th December, we will be having a Christmas jumper day to raise money for the ‘Save the Children’ charity. Children are encouraged to come to school wearing a Christmas jumper or t-shirt and bring a donation of £1. Thank you for your support, we can’t wait to see your Christmas outfits!

Beautifully crafted one-point perspective work based on Doncaster Plant Works

This week, Crew Mumby have been busy creating our final pieces of art work for the product which answers the guiding question, ‘How have trains been a journey of change?’. I have been so impressed with how children have grappled with the skill of perspective and how this has developed into drawing the Doncaster Plant Works in perspective for our product. The children have made multiple drafts to ensure that their work is the best it can be. I’m am very proud of their efforts! Well done to all in Crew Mumby!

Learning Council

Meet the members of Green Top’s 2021-2022 Learning Council!

They are all doing a wonderful job so far and have taken part in Maths Week, interviewing and showing visitors around school! I can’t wait to see what is in store for us next!

Children in Need – dress up day!

Next week we will be celebrating Children in Need on Thursday 18th November!

Thursday will be a dress up day where we are inviting children to wear something spotty and bright coloured! Any donations on the dress up day for Children in Need will be gratefully received.

Our school council are also holding a couple of competitions which will be running next week.

  1. Drawing of Pudsey competition
  2. Design a Children in Need T-shirt

Maths Week Continued!

The Learning Council members really enjoyed visiting the Year 5/6 classrooms yesterday to watch maths in actions! They captured lots of lovely learning happening which you can check out below!

Also, a big thank you to all those that have taken part in our ‘guess the sweets’ activity! We will be visiting EYFS on Friday to take their guesses and then will reveal the winner next week! The Learning Council can’t wait!

Collaborative Maths

Crew Overson worked collaboratively to add and subtract 4 digit numbers, using their understanding to calculate the answers using the inverse. They all worked so hard and it was lovely to watch them working together, discussing which calculation to use to solve the maths problems. Well done Crew Overson superstars!

Diwali Celebrations

In crew we have learnt about the festival of light and its importance in some religions. We then created our own lanterns to celebrate this festival… they looked absolutely amazing guys!

Expedition visitor

Crew Overson enjoyed listening to our visitor discuss train safety on the railway. They were able to record down great facts about staying safe around train tracks. Well done guys.

Collaboration, Research and History!

Crew Overson have worked hard this afternoon to research about some of the engineers that influenced the Industrial Revolution and the progression of the railways.  They worked hard to become historians by using their research skills and got smart by collaborating together to gather as much information as possible!