I love this Easter fun art work Jenson…..
I hope you had lots of fun creating it?

I love this Easter fun art work Jenson…..
I hope you had lots of fun creating it?
Here are 30 challenges for those of you who like to play with Lego – maybe you could share them (use [email protected]) and we’ll put a video together of all those different creations.
Lacey has followed instructions and used her mathematical skills to bake cookies – well done!
Well done ….SOPHIE…..for working hard every single day! I look forward to receiving your work!
Great work girls!
Well done for sharing your hard work Jenson!
Alex has worked super hard today! He has completed all 3 tasks and ‘hung out’ twice with his crew.
I notice you have completed every question on the maths slides
I praise your efforts and enthusiasm
I wonder if you could send photographs of your English and Expedition work
I’m so proud of you Alex……you are Crew Overson’s Learning Legend
Well done Kiera – you are trying so many different things! It is great receiving photos from you and seeing the wonderful things you are up to!
From this……
…….to this…..
What a superstar!
I wish we were at school so you could bring me some Kiera! It is great to hear and see that so many of you are learning new skills!
So… when we get back to school…Alex will make me a cup of Coffee, Leah will make me an omelette and Kiera can bake cookies and chocolate crunch for me!!! I can wait!
Well done to everyone who share work, photos and videos today.
Today’s learning Legend is……………..Jenson!
You have been working super hard and trying your best every day. I’m very proud of you.