Category : Mrs Overson’s class 2019-20
Local Authority Transition Update:
We have been given this additional information to support you with the transition classrooms:
- You should have received your Doncaster Transition booklet in the post with a letter giving guidance on how to access the transition classroom.
- The letter you received informs you that a gmail account will be needed to access the classroom. Please be aware that the email needed to log in needs to end with this is why the children can’t use their Green Top email account.
- The transition Google classrooms will be available into the autumn term and into the new school year so if you haven’t accessed it much this week, please do not worry.
- Streaming the videos to almost 4000 students has meant that on occasions there is a message saying that they can’t be played. Our solution to this is to share the videos directly with you, these can then be downloaded and played by you at home or at school.
We are sharing the following links:
4 mindfulness videos
6 workbook videos
6 group work sessions
BSL workbook video
If you haven’t received the Doncaster Transition booklet, please contact school ASAP so we can arrange for one to be sent to you.
For additional information and support email the transition team: [email protected]
If your child is attending Axholme Academy there is another languages transition hang out event taking place on Thursday 2nd July at 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Children can access this hangout the same way as last time – using the code ‘transition’ whilst signed in to their Academy email account.
If you have any questions than contact the languages department using:
Youth Sports Trust have teamed up with TopYa to create an exclusive School Games Active Championship which can be used by pupils and schools.
Three times a week TopYa! Release a challenge for pupils to try. Children practise the challenges, then submit their best video using a mobile device to receive personal coaching feedback from the TopYa! team of experienced virtual coaches. Points are earned for each video submitted, leading to climbing leaderboards and winning prizes!
The TopYa! Active app is committed to online safety and meets rigorous COPPA and GDPR safeguarding standards. No one can communicate within the app. All children can do to communicate with one another is give each other a virtual ‘high-five’, which functions like a social media ‘like’.
The points pupils gain are then tallied up and compared in a league table against other Doncaster schools (in the Rossington School Games Area).
This is completely free and a great way for pupils to be active at home and at school.
I have attached above information from TopYa! And you can also read more on the School Games Website.
You will need the following code which is unique to your school: 22612
Good luck and enjoy!
A massive shout out to Y5/6 children and families for sending in their pictures for family learning completing a range of healthy activities linked to our expedition ‘What does it take to become an athlete?’
Well done to everyone who took part.

If you are attending Axeholme Academy next year there is a video below to support you on reading your timetable!
For the Year 6’s that are attending Trinity Academy next year, below is a virtual tour of the school building!
As many of you know annually we run a Green Top’s Got Talent contest, this year this will need to be done virtually.
Anyone wishing to enter has until the closing date below to prepare their act, video it and send it to the [email protected] email address.
Dependent on the number of entries we receive we will either have ‘heats’ in phases and a final of the top 3 from each heat. Or we will run one whole school competition for the final.
Mrs Overson and I will approach some independent judges to decide on the winners.
All children entering will receive a medal an certificate.
All talents are welcome we have had singers, dances, gymnasts, comedians, martial arts routines, magicians and BSL performances in the past among many others. You can choose something and enter it.
The video sent to Mrs Overson should be no more than 3 minutes long and social distancing guidance should be followed during your clip. All entries must be received by Monday 22nd June at 5pm.
We look forward to sharing the compilation of entries with you all later that week.
Good Luck!
Mrs Claira Salter and Mrs Kelly Overson
Enjoy guys!
Have you received this transition work? Axholme are emailing work out to you – have fun completing the tasks!