Years 5 and 6 visit Trinity’s Lecture Theatre

We had a great time today visiting Mr Humprey (Science Teacher) at Trinity Academy to listen to a lecture about space.  We learnt many new facts and also how to give a lecture to an audience.  Green Top staff were blown away by the amazing questions our children asked and the sophisticated facts they shared with each other.


Friends of Green Top are hosting another disco

Thursday 13th February

3pm-3.45pm KS1/EYFS

4pm-5pm KS2

50p to enter (please hand your money to class teachers or pay on the door)

snack and drink £1 (typically hot dog or pizza slice)

sweets and crisps priced at 10p, 20p, 50p and £1

If you’re available to help at the disco please let a member of the ‘Friends of Green Top’ group know.