Thursday’s learning

Well today’s learning legend has to be Jamie, he has been a real Can do Colin! He had finished his maths and sent it in before we had finished hangouts this morning! Well done Jamie you have worked so hard for this.


Another fantastic day of learning today class 8! I am amazed at how hard you are all working to get gold and green standard and we’ve had some truly great work handed in on the classroom today.


Today’s critique for today is…

I notice some fantastic stories handed in for English with some great use of punctuation! (Mrs Miller)

I praise lots of great expedition learning being handed in about food chains and habitats. (Miss Hilton)

I wonder if we can have another story on hangouts tomorrow with a Disney theme. (Hattie and Jamie)

I will be back on hangouts tomorrow morning at 9.15 until 9.30 come and say hello and bring a toy for show and tell.

Remember to mute your microphone until it is your turn to talk and we can hear everyone. Also don’t forget it is VE Day tomorrow so there is no maths or English but lots of great VE Day activities on our classroom.

See you tomorrow.


Wonderful Wednesday work

Class 8’s learning legend today is Leila for being a Motivated Moe, she always completes her daily learning and presents her work beautifully and she is usually the first one to hand her learning in. Well done Leila you really deserve this one, keep up the good work!


Well class 8 another day of fabulous learning and great hangouts this morning and this afternoon. I am always blow away with how much work you all send me, it really is amazing, keep up the great work.

Today’s critique

I notice lots of great learning from class 8 as usual.

I praise lots of beautifully presented expedition learning for food chains.

I wonder of anyone can share an animal habitat that they have made?

I will be back on hangouts tomorrow at 9.15 until 9.30 come and join our feelings circle just remember to turn your microphone off so everyone gets a fair chance to speak and hear everyone else talking.


Terrific Tuesday learning

Our learning legend today has  to be Evie Reed! I think she has been a Motivated Moe and looking at everything she has done its easy to see why. Thank you for sharing all your learning with us Evie, I cant for it all on but here’s a selection of some of the things you have done. Well done and keep it up!


Wow class 8 what a great day for learning today! We’ve had lots of great English, maths and exploration work handed in today. You make me feel so proud everyday. Thank you to everyone who has shared their learning with us today.

Today’s critique is

I notice lots of work handed in and excellent effort from class 8 today with their learning you are all doing fabulous!

I praise lots of children on hangouts this afternoon for our Disney themed story today, thank you all for joining!

I wonder if you can solve this riddle and say the answer in hangouts tomorrow afternoon.

The riddle is I am often following you and copying your every move. Yet you can never touch me or catch me. What am I?  Here’s a clue to help you, this was mentioned in our afternoon story of Peter Pan. 

I will be back on hangouts tomorrow morning at 9.15 until 9.30 come and log on to share in our morning feelings circle, just remember to mute your microphone so everybody can hear you and everyone has a chance to speak.





marvellous Monday learning

Wow class 8 what can I say? Another great start to a week of online learning. I have to give the learning legend to Eleanor and JJ today because they were the learning legends on Friday for better world day. Not only had they done all their daily learning tasks but they also completed lots of kind activities throughout the day!

This was posted on Friday but I think the post was over written so apologies form me I didn’t realise.

Well done you two!


We competed our daily critique in hangouts this afternoon.Thank you to Hattie and Jamie for helping me. Here is our daily critique

I notice maths challenges being completed.

I praise lots of great learning happening in English. (Hattie)

I wonder if we can have a story tomorrow with a Disney theme, I am going to wear my Minnie Mouse ears. ( Miss Hilton)


See you all tomorrow morning for hangouts at 9.15, remember to turn your microphone off so we can all share in our morning circle.

Here is your learning from today!

Deaf Awareness Week – COMPETITION

Some of the staff at Plover School have set a signing challenge for their students an I thought you guys may want to get involved, Thanks to Miss Blackham for sharing this with me.

How many of these words can you spell using the BSL signs for the letters of the alphabet?

Here’s a youtube clip to get you started. There will be 4 prizes available for the most impressive attempts. (one per phase if there are enough entries)

Winners will be announced on Monday 18th May.


Thursday’s learning

Well I think the learning legend has to be Amelia D today for her awesome maths work and gorgeous video of her signing along to ‘ what a wonderful world’. Great job Amelia I am very proud of you. I think you have been a Choosing Checking Changing Charlie.


Well class 8 another great day of learning today!

Today’s critique- helped by some of our class on hangouts this afternoon…..

I notice  lots of great expedition learning (Hattie)

I praise lots of maths challenges being done so children get green standard.

I wonder if you can bring a toy to hangouts in the morning for a show and tell funky Friday circle. Remember to mute your microphone so everyone gets a chance to speak.

See you all tomorrow for our last day of learning before the weekend!

Wonderful Wednesday Work

Today’s learning legend is Hattie. I think she has been a real Stickability Stan in her learning today. She has completed all three activities for her learning and this morning on hangouts she said shes wasn’t feeling very well. Hattie I think you have done a wonderful job today and I think you deserve a big rest. Well done and keep smiling!


Wow class 8, another great day of learning today. Check out my new skills on the blog that I learnt this morning! I can now add your photos into a gallery so you can see them easier. I think I have been a Can do Colin today.


I have also been practising how to video myself teaching on the screen so you can listen to me teach to help you with your learning. Watch this space!


Today’s critique

I notice lots of children trying the maths challenges! Yay, big shout out to Callum and Ella- May for giving it a go and Eleanor, Nigella and JJ completed them all!


I praise lots of children on hangouts this afternoon ready to listen to a story. I really enjoyed reading to you, I have missed it.


I wonder who can bring something orange to our hangout in the morning????


Hangouts will be at 9.15 until 9.30, see you all there!


Terrific Tuesday learning!

Wow class 8 some great learning going on today. I think the learning legend is going to have to be Joel for his fantastic Expedition learning today showing the life cycle of a plant. I think you have been a Connecting Connie Joel, well done! I can tell you were thinking like a scientist and you really took care with your drawings and presentation too. I think you really used the remember to list in your learning. keep up the good work!

Well class 8 another brilliant day of learning today. I am so proud of everyone working so hard. I am so impressed at how many children have done the challenge maths slides!

Our critique for today is

I notice lots of children identifying expanded noun phrases.


I praise children completing the maths challenge slides.


I wonder where everyone was this afternoon for hangouts? I had all my teddies ready and a story to read!


I will be back for hangouts in the morning at 9.15 until 9.30. Bring a toy to hangouts and remember to turn you microphone off by clicking it so we can all share how we feel and all have a chance to talk.


Motivated Moe Monday!

Well what a Monday it has been today! I am torn over who should get the learning legend, there were so many children it could have been today and I don’t want to disappoint anyone! I have decided that the learning legend should go to all the children that have completed their English, Maths and expedition learning today- Callum, Joel, Eleanor, Leila, Nigella, JJ and Macie! Well done everyone for working so hard!

Well a great start to the week class 8. I can’t believe how many of you have done English, maths and Expedition learning today.

I notice lots of great adjectives in English as well as using past and present.


I praise lots children doing the challenge on the maths slides.


I wonder if you can bring a teddy to our hangout in the morning and do a circle. When you join the chat you will need to mute your microphone so everyone has a chance to speak.

I will be back on hangouts tomorrow morning at 9.15 until 9.30 ready for our new circle hangout. See you all there!