This afternoon in Y5/6 Family Learning the children took part in different activities linked to our expedition. I enjoyed hosting a Ready Steady Cook challenge and we had a fantastic time creating healthy and creative dishes. Well done everyone – I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Y6 are looking to raise money to help fund some of our upcoming leavers celebrations such as buying leavers hoodies and autograph books.
We have 2 fantastic Harry Potter hampers to give away to 2 lucky winners!
Your child will bring home a strip of raffle tickets this week which are 50p per ticket. If you would like to buy any, please add in your tickets and the correct amount of money in to a sealed envelope and pass on to your class teacher. If you would like more tickets, please see the school office.
The raffle will be drawn on Friday 17th June. Good luck!
On Tuesday 24th May at 1:45pm it is our Y5 and Y6 Family Learning event. The children will be asked to select from a range of activities that link to our expedition ‘How can a healthy lifestyle impact our mind and body?’. Many of these activities will be taking place outdoors and we suggest you come suitably dressed for if your child selects to do a sporting activity.
Year 6 have been learning about the restoration period and the Great Plague of London. Today, the children have made some brilliant anchor charts with great facts about the plague and also how it affected people similar to how covid has affected us. Well done guys! 🙂
Some of our Y6 children have kindly volunteered to clean up our playground this week! Well done – I am so proud of you for wanting to clean up our environment!
We had lots of fun at the ice cream parlour this afternoon to celebrate finishing out SATs. It was so hard to choose between all of the delicious flavours!
Year 6 have made their teachers incredibly proud over the last week with their hard work and determination during SATs week. They all tried their absolutely best and we couldn’t have asked for any more!
We celebrated finishing SATs with a lovely ice cream at Morani’s this afternoon (pics to follow) and here we are celebrating afterwards! It was even more fun that we got to go in our pyjamas for pyjamarama day!
We are looking forward to celebrating National Numeracy Day on Wednesday 18th May!
Maths is all around us and in the run up to National Numeracy Day, I would love for you to take some photos of you that link to maths! Maybe it will be a picture of you using money to pay for something in the shop, maybe it will be of how many steps you have walked in a day, or maybe it will be of you practising your maths skills!
How creative can you be finding maths around your home and in the community? Please send all of your photographs to [email protected]so that I can make a video to celebrate maths!
Also, check out the official website (link below) because there are lots of fun activities that you can do with your children!