Class 10 have been absolute superstars (as always!) with Mrs Hardman. They have been ordering and comparing fractions with different denominators and have absolutely smashed it! So proud of you all!
We are very excited for maths week!
We will be celebrating maths and to do this we will be doing the following:
- Each day you will be informed of a challenge you can complete at home and bring into school
- At 3pm on Thursday (in the school hall), parents are invited to join the learning council to play maths games and look at how you can support your children with maths at home
- Friday is NSPCC Maths day so we will be having a ‘maths’ dress up day (£1 donation) and a bun sale to raise money for the charity
- Buns will be on sale for 50p (we will also be accepting donations of buns, cake and biscuits)
Please see the link below for dress up ideas and more information about NSPCC maths day:
Monday’s challenge is: Who can find the oldest coin? This needs to be a coin that you can currently spend in the UK. Place in an envelop child’s name, the coin enclosed and date! Good Luck!
GT Learning Council
A massive thank you to everyone who was able to support at family learning! We have had really positive feedback from the children and I loved seeing everyone working as a crew!
Again, thanks so much!
Can’t wait for the next one!
Loving the holiday snaps you have brought in Ruby!! We can put these up on our map of the world! Looks like you had a fabulous time 🙂
Dexter has made Big Ben as part of his homework and can I just say… WOW! It looks amazing Dexter- really well done! It puts mine to shame!!!
Well done and massive shout out to this week’s house point winners!!
As our theme is ‘What’s beyond your garden gate?’ we are looking closely at our local area before extending our geography skills and looking at different areas of the UK, leading on to learning about geographical features in different countries. To link in with our theme, each year 3/4 class has displayed a big world map poster outside of our classrooms- if you would like to, the children can bring a picture in of where they have been on a holiday destination (whether that be a place in England, in Europe, or another country) and we can put these up around the poster.
Class 10 did some AMAZING work with Mrs Hardman yesterday! We can now name the features needed to write a letter! Superstars as always x
In English, we have been using a map of our classroom to find facts all about India as this is one of Phileas Fogg’s (the main character in our class book) destinations as he travels around the world. I’m sure the children will be able to remember a fact or two to tell you if you ask them!
It has been a busy day for Class 10! Here are some snaps from Maths today where the children used cubes and made arrays to represent multiplication problems! Superstars as always 🙂