UPDATE: Coronavirus (Covid 19)

Dear Parents and Carers within the XP Schools Trust, 

As you are well aware the Corona virus (Covid 19) situation is escalating as we speak. The leaders within the XP School Trust would like to share our plans for dealing with this difficult situation. 

Firstly we continue to monitor and receive daily updates from the government and continue to follow their advice. The five Schools within the Trust have made their plans in case the government instructs us to close or partially close. In the event of any closures, partial or full, we will use our official websites and social media stations to inform parents. We will also message via our text to parents service. We will remain open until the government instructs us otherwise. 

In schools we have held assemblies / community Meetings to explain the situation to students and have posters around school regarding how to wash hands thoroughly. We have also had discussions in Crew on a daily basis to remind students about hygiene. In all Schools we have made provision for additional hand sanitiser to be made available and will request additional cleaning in our IT areas, ensuring keyboards are regularly wiped clean throughout the day. 

We will be monitoring all Field Work plans and making a decision on a case by case basis, following LA and government advice. The Teachers and Leaders within the Trust are currently making plans for how they will provide learning opportunities and communication with their classes, if the government does instruct a partial or full closure. 

Until we hear different, the schools within the XP Trust will remain open and continue to deliver great learning for all our students and will keep you all updated via websites and social media if anything changes.

This information will also be emailed and sent as a text to all parents on our system this evening – please update your information at the school office if you have not received it. I encourage you to subscribe to the school website so you receive the most up to date blog posts – this will be where the most up to date information will be given.  (available at the bottom right of the front page).

Thank you for your support

The XP Schools Trust Executive Team


Class 10’s trip to Austerfield

Jam-packed trip last Wednesday! Orienteering in the morning which included reading a map, using keys, and using a compass, all before heading outside to complete a quest. The afternoon consisted of  lots of team games! Awesome to see some great teamwork!

Super peer work, collaboration and coaching in English today!

After yesterday’s English lesson where you all did a brilliant job at spotting features in our draft touchdowns, critiquing them as a class and then going on to independently reflecting on  and coming up with suggestions to improve your own work, I didn’t think you could impress me any more! However…… you have proved me WRONG class 10! Sooo incredibly proud of your English work today with Mrs Hardman where you continued to keep adding features to your writing and even supporting and helping each other which is lovely to see!

World Book Day!

Absolutely blown away by everyone’s efforts with their world book day costumes today! You all looked ABSOLUTELY amazzzziiiingggg! Look at them poses- love it!

So proud xx


Friends of Green Top are hosting another disco

Thursday 13th February

3pm-3.45pm KS1/EYFS

4pm-5pm KS2

50p to enter (please hand your money to class teachers or pay on the door)

snack and drink £1 (typically hot dog or pizza slice)

sweets and crisps priced at 10p, 20p, 50p and £1

If you’re available to help at the disco please let a member of the ‘Friends of Green Top’ group know.

Maths week activities!

I was blownn awaayyy with class 10 on Tuesday. We had an afternoon full of maths games and activities and the work produced and the vocabulary I heard from every child was absolutely amazing! We played the clock game, the dice game, the a-z game, finding equivalent fractions and colour by number worksheets! Oh and A LOT of times table practice on whiteboards! The children seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves and they worked amazingly in their groups. SO PROUD GUYS xxxx

2 raffle tickets and 30 HPs for everyone!

And an additional massive well done to everyone who has joined in with the daily maths challenges!

Apologies- I just couldn’t choose which pictures to put on so you have got them all!

Our own class 10 Geographer!

Super impressed with Misha’s homework effort! He named different human and physical features and has tried really hard to explain the different meanings to me when I have asked. Loving the pictures too! Well done Mish!


And also a big well done to everyone else who is handing in lots of homework it is AWESOME- keep a look out on the blog for more Homework pictures!