Class 7 Learning Legend

Well done to Eve!

Mrs Miller tells me that you have produced some amazing expedition work and made an excellent prediction in English.  Everyone is always impressed with the amount effort you put into your learning and how you are always a delight to have on hangouts.

Keep up the hard work Eve.

Class 7 Learning Legend

Well done Class 7 I have heard from Mrs Miller and Mrs Roe that you have all worked really hard and produced some amazing learning.

Today Mrs Miller has selected Jake as the learning legend for being a Motivated Moe and producing some awesome expedition work.

Well done and keep up the great work!

New online game!

Can you save the world?
Check out this new game designed to help younger children understand social distancing: highest score is 13,309…let me know how you get on!

VE day

It’s so hard to choose a learning legend today. When I see photos of you all celebrating VE day with your families, surrounded by beautiful bunting and home made cakes I know you’ve all poured your heart and soul into the day.

Today you are all Motivated Moe’s

Enjoy the rest of your celebrations

Mrs Burton


Well done Theo on being a Motivated Moe in the kitchen. I love that you and your sister have been helping out and learning lots of new recipes and skills at home- this is so important!

Your sausage rolls and tarts looked like they were going to be delicious. You’ll have to let us know how they turned out after they had been in the oven!

Mrs Faulding x

Today’s learning Legend for Class 7 is…


A huge well done to Evan on learning how to tie his shoe laces! Now this is so tricky to do and takes a lot of practice so I’m very proud of how hard you’ve tried until you’ve cracked it!

This is such an important life skill but that’s it now. You’ve learnt it!!

You super star!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Mrs Faulding 🙂




Learning Legend in Class 7 Tuesday 5th May

Tuesday’s learning legend is……..GEORGE!!!

I was in school yesterday with George and I was so proud of him connecting all of his maths knowledge together to fill in the missing spaces of the number patterns and he also used cubes in the classroom to make some of his own arrays. What a super star!!

You try so hard in all that you do George and we are so proud!!

Keep it up!

Mrs Faulding x

Terrific Tuesday’s in Class 7!

What great learning we’ve seen yesterday from lots of children in Class 7.

From finding different maths arrays around the house, to creating expedition crafts and creations, to preparing for Friday’s big VE Day celebrations!

So many Motivated Moe’s and Light Bulb Leo’s!! Keep up the fantastic work everyone!

Mrs Faulding 🙂 x