Accelerated Reader Champs!

Last half term, I have been blown away by the engagement of Crew Mumby in Accelerated Reader sessions. I set the children a challenge at the start of the term of scoring at least 80% on the book quizzes they complete. Each time a child scored 80% or more, they placed a raffle ticket in the jar. It’s safe to say that the children rose to the challenge and the jar was brimming with raffle tickets by the end of the half term! The progress has been superb….I wonder who will be our winners in the next half term?

Well done to Autumn 1’s winners however you’re all winners by being so dedicated to improving your reading!




Our new class council representative!

I’m very proud to announce that Lexii is Crew Mumby’s class council representative for this academic year. I know she will do a great job as she is a great role model in class. Thank you to all members of Crew Members who also put their name forward for this role; it was great to see how many children wanted to represent our crew!

Interesting fieldwork at the Danum Museum

Before half-term, Y4 took part in some engaging fieldwork at the Danum Museum in Doncaster. We were able to build on our prior knowledge to ask questions about what life was like in Doncaster during the Roman invasion. This work will help us to make our expedition product even more informative. Great work Year 4!

Super Skills! ⚽️

I was super impressed with all the hard work from my super footballing group during PE today. Everyone worked together to practice their skills, defending techniques and building their confidence then we finished off with a mini game to show off our new skills!


Positive and Negative numbers!

This morning, we enjoyed learning about negative numbers. In collaborative groups, the children practiced adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers using number lines. We then practiced ordering and sequencing number patterns.

Lots of great collaboration and coaching skills – Well done everyone!

Roman Numeral treasure hunt!

As part of hook week, Crew Myers and Crew Mumby enjoyed solving a Roman Numeral treasure hunt to practice converting numerals to numbers.

The children had so much fun searching in the sunshine to find the punchline to Roman jokes using the answers that they found.

Well done everyone and an extra shoutout to Oscar and Theo for being the first to find the answers!

💭I Wonder if you can remember the jokes to tell an adult at home.

Which famous Roman suffered from Hayfever?


How was the Roman Empire cut in half?

Super out of school achievements

Well done to these boys on the trophies they received at their end of year football presentation. I’m looking forward to hearing about their season as the year progresses. I know, from playing with them at Funky Friday Time that they are a great, talented team. Well done boys, it’s lovely to hear about your achievements out of school. #upthestingers