Jasmine and Sophie’s mum explained that the girls did amazing during May, they ran over 30 miles! In January they could not even run for 5 min without stopping so this is a huge achievement and they are over the moon.
Jak has a had a busy weekend looking through old boxes at his grandads and came across a letter from Buckingham Palace to his great aunt. The children in the picture are refugee children who stayed with them during WW2. This is brilliant Jak, I don’t think I have seen a letter from Buckingham Palace before.
Alex, Olivia, Lauren and Sophie have used their knowledge of shapes from the past 2 weeks to create pieces of art linked to shape. Well done guys!
Well done to Richard who is today’s Learning Legend in Class 14. Mrs Stone was really impressed with your learning attitude, your presentation and your hard work! You have done a great job today, Well done!
I couldn’t choose a Learning Legend for Class 13 as I was so impressed with the beginning of the Expedition Learning that I read today. I will upload a selection tomorrow when they are all completed! Massive shout out to Emily, Isobel, Noah and Thomas who have made a great start today!
Isobel and Sophie W are today’s Learning Legends in Year 5 for having an excellent attitude towards their learning resulting in some awesome responses to their reading questions in English! I am super impressed – Keep up the great work girls.
Check out these slides:
Well done Tyler for using your knowledge of nets this week to create 3D shapes. Excellent home learning!
This week Class 14 have been identifying the features of a letter to help them write their thank you letters to Hull FC Player, Mahe Fonua.
There have been a lot of fantastic thank you letters and the interview really helped us to understand our expedition guiding question ‘What does it take to become an athlete’?
I have just had a nice surprise waiting for me at the office. Thank you Jak they are delicious!
https://martin-jacob.itch.io/can-you-save-the-worldMy highest score is 13,309…let me know how you get on!