Sport photos! ⚽️🏉

Mr Ambler and myself are creating a PE display for school. In this display, we want to celebrate our sporting successes across school whether it is a tournament, PE clubs or outside teams.

Please pass them onto your teacher and we will add these as part of our celebration 😀


Mr Gerrard and Mr Ambler 😆

Y5/6 Expedition Homework Menu

Hi, please find the Y5/6 homework menu attached. In addition, reading is a vital life skill, please support us by listening to your child at least 3 times a week. As SATs is fast approaching, reading daily will support your child’s reading fluency and accuracy. Books read at home can contribute to your child’s Accelerated Reader data. Links are in the PDF below:

Kind Regards, Mr Mumby

Y5/6: A great start to our new phase crew!

It has been a fabulous end to the term by welcoming our new Y5’s to the phase. This week we have spent time developing our new crews through establishing crew norms, creating collaborative art work, creating a crew song amongst other exciting activities. As Y6 have their current teachers again, their transition looked slightly different. Working around the extreme heat this week, that children coped incredibly well with, Y6 children took part in service learning by throughly cleaning the areas around school by litter picking and making our school look the best it can be. We made a stand by creating eye-catching posters that we intend on placing on the fences around the school, particularly the entrance to school. Following this, we had a continental brunch as a reward for our hard work and as a treat for attendance this academic year. This week has been fantastic, I am proud of every single child in our new crew. I’m certain we’re going to have an outstanding and memorable year as a new phase crew.

Wishing everyone a restful and enjoyable Summer break.


Exciting news that Our Final Product from Yr 3/4’s Spring Expedition is now available.

The CD will be available to buy from the school office next week. You will also be able to purchase the CD at Picnic in the Park on Wednesday and the Family Picnic on Thursday!
The CD is £3 to buy and all proceeds will go to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation.

XP Climate Conference ’22

On Thursday Evening, Miss Tortora and I had the pleasure of attending a learning celebration at XP East. It was a fantastic event to raise awareness of the impacts of Climate Change and what we can do as a community to help.

A huge shoutout to all of the children from across the Primary schools that attended and presented in front of over a hundred people. They shared their learning journey from our Spring Expedition ’Why should we protect our beautiful planet?’ In particular a big thank you to Thia, JJ and Georgia, along with their parents that represented Green Top. An added shout out to Jersey and Dexter for being a HUGE help selling the CD’s on our stall.

It was a great way to celebrate and showcase our Final Product and music video!


Year 3/4: Football Tournament at XP

On Friday, a small number of year 3/4 children had the wonderful opportunity to play in a football tournament with another school in our Trust (Plover). A big ‘shout-out’ to all the children for working hard and being kind. It made the afternoon competitive and very enjoyable. A special ‘shout-out’ to Niah for being player of the tournament – you worked your socks off for your team and never said a negative thing to anyone. A thank you to all the parents involved in taking the children and returning them, to Mr Overson for all your help and to Mr Mead (of Plover) for arranging a fantastic afternoon.