Here are our wonderful out of this world winners for this week…some gorgeous things said about this lovely lot and clearly very well deserved! Looking forward to seeing who gets it next week! Keep working hard guys.

Here are our wonderful out of this world winners for this week…some gorgeous things said about this lovely lot and clearly very well deserved! Looking forward to seeing who gets it next week! Keep working hard guys.
We are loving Geography club. This is our 3rd week. So far the children have told me in some discussion activities what they think Geography is about, then the children did some research and had to make a poster answering the question ‘What is Geography?’.
Today, we looked at the Earth and discussed what we think it’s like on the inside, some thought it was all liquid, some thought it might be spongy. We found out that it is actually made in layers and these layers are all made of different things! Here they are making a collage model of their learning this week. And they did a fabulous job! We can’t wait for next week!
We had some great World Book Day costumes in Crew Knowles today! It was so hard to pick a winner in our World Book Day assembly!
Cohen was a Curious Cleo today! He engaged in the stories that we listened to and contributed lots of brilliant ideas to our discussions! Well done Cohen, I am super proud of you!
Dear Year 6 Parents / Carers,
Information regarding Green Top to ‘pass out’ tomorrow – Thursday 16th July between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.
Any additional questions, please email [email protected]
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Salter
Head of School
WOW! Well done to Alan and his family! This is great!
First an Easter rabbit and then a green house!
We can’t wait to see what comes next!
A huge congratulations to all the students and staff in Y5/6 on an amazing product to share the collaborative learning outcomes from their Summer term expedition. I am blown away by the quality of work and character growth of our students despite being in the centre on a Pandemic. Our students have grappled with tough scientific content, composed musical and lyrical pieces of art work and presented their learning eloquently in the product shared here.
Well done all!
Thursday Evening
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