Class 7 found a time capsule!

Yesterday afternoon class 7 have been on a clue finding treasure hunt, answering lots of questions to find the word ‘office’. So off we headed to find our treasure, and what a wonderful treasure we found! At the office, there was a time capsule, from 2000!

Back in the classroom we circled up to find what was inside. We read letters from students at Green Top 24 years ago, we looked at photos, found a bobble head of David Beckham, a 24 year old Pokémon card and lots of other awesome things. We discussed the similarities and differences between what we found from 24 years ago, compared to things that we play with, like and learn about now! I wonder what children in another 24 years would think!?

KS1 Artists

We are so proud of the artwork produced by the children in KS1 during this terms expedition. The children put lots of effort into their work. First the children sketched their animal. Then they painted the background and their chosen animal using watercolour paints. Next they edged their painting with water colour pencils and finally they embellished their picture using collage skills. It was lovely to spend quality time with the children teaching them the different skills required to produce their artwork. The children completed each stage in small groups which gave us a lovely opportunity to spend time together chatting away as we spent hours building up our pictures over the past few weeks! The children have demonstrated a lot of pride in their work and so they should! The results are fabulous.

We are so proud of you all and hope your artwork will remind you of all the fabulous memories made during our expedition this term.

Please take a photograph of yourself with your framed artwork and email them to your class teacher! We can’t wait to see where you put them!

Information about the presentation of learning for years 1, 2, 3 and 4

*** Friday 22nd March 2024 ***

Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be holding an art gallery in school on Friday 22nd March. We will have their art work ready to share with you on display in frames. This is a fantastic experience for the children to see and share their art work in this kind of setting.

Key stage 1

Key stage 1 will have their art work set up in their classrooms and also have time slots to have a workshop with reptile rendezvous and their animal guests.

The time slots are as follows:

You are welcome to come and celebrate the children’s work with them at any time between 4 and 5 but if you are around for your child’s class time slot with reptile rendezvous, then this would be fantastic too!

Year 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4 will have their art work in the hall set up in an exhibition ready for you to view anytime between 4 and 5pm. There is also the opportunity to use the green screen and have photos taken with polar bear backgrounds.

Every visitor

There will be canapes made by Michael, in the hall for all guests to enjoy. We really hope to see as many parents and children as possible at our first ever Green Top Art Exhibition. The children’s art work will be available to buy on the night (as well as any pre-orders that have been made) at a cost of £10. Thank you as always for your support with the children and their education…they have all worked extremely hard to produce good quality art work and can’t wait to share it with you!

Spectacular Spoons!

I can’t believe the amount of wonderful character spoons we had fetched into school as part of our World Book Day competition! The creativity and effort that has gone into each and every one is amazing!

The Learning Council judged the spoons this morning but it was such a hard choice that we have ended up with 8 winners instead of 4!

Watch this space to see the winning spoons tomorrow …

Here are just some of the fabulous characters!

KS1 Community Crew Assembly

Big well done to our Crew Champions this week! We have had some amazing hard work this past week and this was clear with the amount HOWL points being dished out. Huge shoutout for the HUGE amounts of reading certificates given out this week, specially to Martha on 200 reads!!!!

Thank you to our adults for coming to celebrate with us, we hope you agree that we have a wonderful crew in KS1.

Key stage 1 and Years 3 and 4 art gallery

There will be a combined Presentation of learning for Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 this term!

We have been so impressed by the children’s art work and can’t wait to share their work with you! There will be surprises, visitors and quizzes on the night too!

The event will take place on Friday 22nd March at 4pm.

We really hope you can join us in this exciting collaborative celebration.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Mrs Shaw and Miss Knowles