Key stage 1’s extended study menu

Year 1 Extended study

Year 2 Extended study

Here are some ideas for some further study for the children to do at home. We will share their learning in crew and celebrate with HOWLs points. Thanks so much for your continued support.

Mrs Shaw and the key stage 1 team x

Key stage 1 Expedition overview

Please have a look at what year 1 and 2 will be learning about this term. We have a very exciting few months ahead! You can access this document through the ‘children’ tab and then by clicking on the ‘Key stage 1 extended study’ menu.

If you have any questions, please ask a class teacher.

Thanks, Mrs Shaw

KS1 Superheroes Unite – An invitation to our family learning event on Friday 8th September

On Friday 8th September, all KS1 children are invited to come to school dressed as a favourite superhero of their choice. We have been learning about heroes in the local community so they may wish to consider these, such as police officers and nurses, or they may opt for their favourite fictional superhero instead. We will be taking superhero pictures using green screen during the morning so please let your child’s class teacher know if you wish to opt-out of this.

Parents and carers are then invited to join us on the Key Stage 1 playground from 1.30pm where you will be able to enjoy a range of superhero themed activities (trainers a must, capes and masks optional!) before challenging yourself to defeat our ruthless obstacle course. To end the session, there will be juice and biscuits alongside stories and colouring inside your child’s classroom (after all, even superheroes need to rest!).

We do hope you will join us on Friday at 1.30pm and we can’t wait to see you all then.

Mrs Shaw and her KS1 team x

Class 7 – A Fabulous First Friday

A huge shout out to all of the children in Class 7 for what has been an amazing first week in Year 2, you have all been little superstars! Today we have enjoyed team building games in crew and an outdoor obstacle course as part of our Funky Friday.

It’s been wonderful getting to know you all a little better this week and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the school year brings – keep it up!

Mrs Dutton & Miss Hilton x

KS1 – Reminders for Hook Week – w.c. 4th September

Next week Key Stage One will be continuing their community work within the local area, each class will be out on a visit each afternoon, as follows:

Mon – Class 8

Tues – Class 6

Wed – Class 7

Thur – Class 5

We are also looking forward to a visit from our local councillor, Susan Durant, on Wednesday morning where we will be able to ask questions about her work with the local food bank.

Then on Friday, children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite superhero (fictional or real-life) and we will be hosting a family learning event in the afternoon (1.30 – 2.30) where parents and carers can enjoy a range of hero-themed activities with the Key Stage. We hope you can attend and we look forward to seeing you there! Further details will be shared with you on Monday. Please note that dress-up is optional for the children.

Year 2 Superheroes – Class 7 at Harry Priestley House

To support our learning about helping our local communities, some of Class 7 enjoyed a visit to Harry Priestley House which cares for adults with learning disabilities. The children made cards and pictures for the residents and sang our crew song, The Climb. The residents were thrilled to meet the children and we hope to visit again soon. Well done boys and girls, we are so proud of our little superheroes!

Year 2 superheroes – Class 7 at Adeline House Care Home

Today, Year 2 have been thinking about people who might need help or support in their community and this afternoon we have continued being local superheroes by visiting care homes to meet residents and share cards and pictures with them. Some of the children from Class 7 enjoyed a visit to Adeline House and it was really special to watch them engage with the elderly residents and to see the joy they brought to the home – well done boys and girls, you should be so proud of yourselves!

Year 2 local walk tomorrow

Just to let parents and carers know that year 2 will be going on a local walk in the afternoon to litter pick, as part of us helping the local community. You do not need to do anything extra but please make sure that the children have a jacket in case it rains while we are out. You have already signed the parental consent forms last year and they are still valid.

Thanks so much, from Mrs Shaw, Mrs Dutton and Miss Hilton x x x