I am absolutely blown away with how many of you have been following your google slides! Naming 3D shapes, reading and writing number, addition and playing with money is only part of it! Here re some of my favourite photos from today!
As you will know next week and the week after should have been the Easter holidays. However, Green Top will remain open to key worker families. Therefore there will still be people available to answer your calls, texts and emails Monday to Friday 8am-5pm.
We will be continuing with Google hangouts and Google classroom in the same way we have this week and there will still be work set for English and Maths skills lessons daily. In addition there will be fun activities to complete as part of the Expedition learning plans. It would be great to catch up with you using one of these tools each day. We encourage you to have some down time too but don’t want to lose your enthusiasm and engagement in the home learning success we’ve had this week. It is such an uncertain time and all staff, children and parents who’ve spoken to me have really valued the positive impact the communication with friends and staff has had on the Green Top children and wider community. Unfortunately, no one knows how long this period of enforced school closure will last for and lots of you have asked me for more ideas of things to do at home when you’re stuck in the house.
We’d like to hear from you as often as possible and therefore will continue with our safe and well checks next week. As always if you need to talk or have anything to ask we’re at the end of the phone, email or text service.
Hope to see you all in hangouts or google classroom next week, send your teachers/phase leaders lots of photos too and look out for next weeks challenge for feel good Friday.
Mrs Claira Salter
I notice…..the amount of learning moments shared today!
I praise … that maths , phonics and expedition moments have been shared
I wonder…if you can all visit the learning platform for tomorrow’s lessons?
Aleiya has been a true Motivated Mo today! Not only did she continue to challenge herself by writing letter shapes she even sent in a video of her learning moments! Well done you! I am particularly impressed with your A for Aleiya and can’t wait to see your name progressing this next year!
WE have been so busy at home today! Creating models out of the recycling, counting potatoes and building models using 3D shapes, mark making , playing rhyming games and helping out at home . Thank you for our photos today they are really helping us all smile! Don’t forget to check out our learning platform tab for more activities to try tomorrow!
Michael ,Chayce and Hope have all sent in their rainbows today that they will proudly be displaying at home! Thank you they are beautiful!
Parents of our Easter Early Starters will be contacted shortly in the next couple of days.
You will be emailed your school pack with all essential information and forms and we ask that you return these by email or post where possible.
Unfortunately we can’t meet and play tonight but as soon as we can I will be in touch.
Take care and stay safe
Miss Carter
I am overwhelmed by how much learning is going on out there today! Thank you to everyone who has shared their learning moments. Here are our learning legends today…
Savannah and Aria are learning legends today for exploring expedition, phonics and 3D shape in their play!
Harper has been a Have a go Henry today with her expedition learning and phonics! Harper chose to create a drawing of her dog!
I am really impressed with Hope and Ava’s helping at home today. Out in the garden caring for the plants as well as creating rainbows . Well done girls!
The nursery children have added to the colours in our community today by creating more wonderful rainbows!
Ellis beautiful rainbow
Hope and Harper’s too