Friday Fun with maths!

Reeva, George, Shae and Isla had fun creating pictures and patterns while talking more about 2D shapes and number. Stunning work everyone! Well done


Friday fun with Phonics

I’m so pleased to see how hard children have been working listening to letter sounds this week. Writing letter shapes, listening to and recalling stories, jigsaws and alpha blocks are on the Friday menu today!

Friday Easter Expedition …all in a days work!

Today the nursery children have explored all things Easter in their creative play.

Here is Ellis explaining to mummy how to colour mix and Savannah, Aria, Jack and Emily making Easter crafts!

Bonnie baked some beautiful buns with her sister while Amaya discovered a huge den on her walk out today. Lily and Shae worked hard at mark making Easter eggs and things to be thankful for while Ted made Elmer on wheels!

Lego Challenges

Here are 30 challenges for those of you who like to play with Lego – maybe you could share them (use [email protected]) and we’ll put a video together of all those different creations.

Daily Critique!

I notice… how creative children are being with their learning in their home environment

I praise… my marvellous mathematicians today!

I wonder… if anyone can send me pictures of their phonics learning tomorrow (see the learning platform for slides)

Reading Quotes For Teachers - We Need Fun


Learning Legend today is…


Adam has been a Motivated MO all week really learning how to understand number and matching quantities. I am so impressed with how Adam worked through feeling like it was tricky to now enjoying achieving. Well done Adam!

Adam also created patterns today using more numbers!

Easter Expedition Day 4!

Thea, Imogen, Ethan and Lily have had tons of fun exploring expedition today. Collage, baking, sticking and cutting have all come into play!


Shout out to Ethan for already exploring his summer term expedition!

Getting creative with Maths!

The nursery children have been getting creative with their maths learning today! Here are some of the best bits! You might even like to try their ideas..

Bobby created his own number line matching quantity to numeral

Savannah collected leaves with her sister and wrote numbers on them afterwards ordering them in lots of different ways

Bonnie enjoyed copying numbers she knows in lots of colours

Emelia began ordering her books by size after reading them!

Ethan has set up a target course to have a nerf game with his family!


Shout out!

A shout out for Deacon and his family for making a ‘here for you’ poster for their home window and for baking a batch of buns for his Auntie to collect and take to A&E where she works! Thank you for your kindness