Class 9 had great fun this morning giving me the instructions for ‘how to make a cake’. They soon learnt that their instructions needed to be simple, specific and clear. We’re looking forward to sampling our treats tomorrow.
Year 3 and 4 Superstars – working hard to collect their house points, certificates and next week we have prizes!! Exciting ey!
We all had a great time yesterday morning making bunting for the world cycling championships. Keep a look out next Friday to see if you can spot yours.
If your child wants to further their understanding of food chains following this weeks science learning. The link below is for an excellent food chain game. I know that class 11 absolutely loved it!
(Google: BBC food chains KS2)
It has been great to see how class 9’s teamwork has improved this week. We have had some fantastic coaching. Keep it up!
We are collecting Aldi stickers
Year 3 have sent out new homework books this week with ideas for some amazing theme based activities! Additional to this we have put on our weekly spelling and a homework challenge that focuses on some of our tricky areas of learning from this week.
This weeks spellings
Arithmetic challenge
Don’t forget you can login to TTRS and practise your timetables.
username: firstname
Every piece of completed homework is worth 10 house points 🙂 Lets do this!
All the children had a great time last week getting the classroom ready for our new theme – What is life? Well done guys!
Year 3 will have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday this year.
Year 4 will have PE on a Wednesday and a Thursday this year .
Please remember to bring your full PE kits 🙂
3/4 Crew 🙂
Year 3 went on a treasure hunt around the playground today. They enjoyed learning new facts about Healthy foods and discovered the focus of our first piece of writing this year. 🙂