KS1: Miss Schon’s Phonics Group

Over the past couple of weeks we have been focussing on our knowledge of red words and our reading fluency. I have seen lots of progress and some amazing learning attitudes from the children. It is important that children now practise their phonics homework and reading books so that they can secure their learning.

These are the red words we will be securing over the next week:

These are the sounds we need to secure:

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Class 8 are artists!

Today we have been using the watercolours to try to recreate Dennis Wojtkiewicz’s art work. They have been mixing colours, using lines to add detail and thinking about shapes within the fruit. They look amazing and have made a start on their shrinky dinks for their final product. Super work guys!


Please see the letter attached for Maths Week 2025 details:

KS1: Reading Book Reminder

All reading books need to be returned to school tomorrow as school is shut on Friday this week. It is important that all books are returned as the children will be using them throughout the school day tomorrow. Children will be reading their reading books during our morning activity, changing their Shared Reading books in their phonics lesson and celebrating their progress this week in their classes. Children will also receive their new phonics homework to add to their book pack. Please ensure your child has a suitable bag to keep their books safe throughout the day.

If you have not yet read the letter outlining the way we are changing books in school then please make this a priority as we need all parents to sign the form regarding reading books.

Thank you,

KS1 team

Reception Community Crew

What a wonderful community crew meeting we have had today! The children absolutely blew me away with their explanations of beautiful work, their shout outs for each other and their excitement of each other’s achievements! They really are a great reception crew! Huge congratulations to Finley and Freya for being HOWL point winners this week! An even bigger congratulations to our first crew champions of the spring term Mason and Reuben! You make us all so proud everyday and your kindness and beautiful work really shines! What role models!

Extended Study – What do you know about the Chinese New Year?!

The 29th January marks the Chinese New Year, but what do you know about it?

Could you use some time to build your knowledge about the celebrations and create a poster, a leaflet or a picture to show your crew what you have learned?

Here’s some links to help you on your way to becoming an expert! –