Nursery have had so much fun today and we have definitely enjoyed the sunshine. Today in Nursery we have had so much fun exploring new activities with our friends and playing lots of games.
I wonder what we can do tomorrow?

Nursery have had so much fun today and we have definitely enjoyed the sunshine. Today in Nursery we have had so much fun exploring new activities with our friends and playing lots of games.
I wonder what we can do tomorrow?
Today in Nursery we have had so much fun learning and exploring.
We have learnt all about keeping our teeth healthy, practised writing our letters, counting and learning some new maths songs.
Keep up the hard work Nursery, I can’t wait to see what else we get up to this week.
Over the last couple of weeks we have started learning sounds in Nursery.
Next week we will be learning the sounds below:
Miss Stewart
Today in Nursery the children have loved messy sensory play in the garden. We have played with flour and slime. The children have had so much fun.
I wonder what else we will get up to this week?
This week in Nursery we have been sharing and reading our favorite stories. We have been reading to our Teddy Bears and our friends.
Read your favorite story at home and share the photos with us.
This week in Nursery we have been exploring and using paint. The children have had so much fun making different pictures to decorate our Nursery. We have used potato stamps to make bear claws, hand printed spiders and explored mixing different colours.
I wonder what else you could make using paint?
Today in Nursery the children enjoyed messy play in the garden. We added glitter and water to the foam to make it even more fun!! The children loved making shapes, patterns and designs. The children are excited to see what other messy play activities they can use in Nursery.