Class 12 – amazing home learning

Just look at how wonderful these children have worked at home on their home learning. We have had reading and research on two key figures in WW2, Anne Frank and Winston Churchill and another who has made a beautiful Anderson shelter model for us to display in class! Fantastic efforts by both of you thank you so much!

Activism in class 6

I was so proud to receive these photographs of Noah showing that he has certainly taken on board all the learning from our First Week Back expedition – ‘How does what I do impact others?’ – by litter picking on the field behind his house. Activism is a huge part of our schools ethos as well as being one of our curriculum seams, and Noah is certainly showing that he is keen to make a stand for the protection of our world. Noah’s daddy said, ” He was adamant he wanted to do it so no animals got hurt, even after his swimming lesson and friends birthday party. He really does care and is genuinely concerned about the impact pollution is having on the planet and wildlife.” What a superstar!

Keep on spreading the word Noah!

Crew Pearson – community service learning

Today we visited the Pentecostal church charity shop, which is amazing and the money raised goes straight back to support our very own community! We donated some clothes and some toys and while there offered our assistance to help tidy and organise for a few minutes. Well done to all involved I was very proud to see you supporting a community group today!! Great job.

Class 12 – generating vocabulary

It was an English hook lesson today for the start of our new cycle. The children had some images from our new class texts and several areas to focus on to describe. Colour, buildings, people, emotions, sound and smell. I was very impressed with the amount they managed to generate and how high quality some of the words were! I can’t wait to see how you use them in your writing.

Class 9 | Home Learning

Well done to Arnie who has been creating a timeline of events for the Second World War over the weekend. Great work Arnie! Keep it up!

Also, a huge well done to Elea who has been working hard to practise her spelling and handwriting this weekend! Super job!

Year 2 super stars!

I wanted to share the fact that these superstars who took part in a football tournament last weekend in Howden got to the final and won on a penalty shoot out 3-2. 

They are all such a fabulous group of boys and were so pleased to be sharing their plate with everyone in key stage 1!

Well done boys, we are all so proud of you!

Mrs Shaw x

Y1 Additional Important Information

Good afternoon,

We have just finished grouping the children according to their reading and phonics abilities so we will begin sending out reading packs this week. These will include 2 books, the red (non-decodable) word list, reading record book and weekly phonics homework. Book changing days will be Tuesday and Friday. ANY reading your child does – a page from their school reading book, phonics homework, a selection of red words etc. – should be noted and dated in the orange reading record book and each will count as one read for our reading challenge board. Please don’t think you have to make a lengthy comment if you don’t want to. A page number and date will be fine. At certain points on the reading challenge board the children will be rewarded with reading certificates. Please note, books will not be changed if there is no evidence of them being read in the reading record book. Reading is a massively important skill for year 1 children and we really do appreciate your support in reading with the children at home. We would also love to have some photographs of the children reading in unusual places for our reading corner displays. Be as imaginative as you like and send any pictures to your child’s class teacher. 20 HoWL points will be awarded for each one.

PE will be on Thursday afternoon. For information on appropriate kit, please see the Welcome to Y1 information sheet on the Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter.

Finally, as from tomorrow we would request that you say goodbye to the children at the door rather than coming into school with them. This helps the children settle more easily into their learning and keeps the corridors clear and safe for everyone.

Any questions please ask. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Miss Rodgers and Miss Schon.

Year 3 | Uniform, PE and XP Outdoors

School uniform and equipment:

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. This ensures we have minimal to no lost property in school.
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, letters etc).
  • All children should bring a name labelled water bottle filled with water only every day.

PE and XP Outdoors:

In Year 3, PE will be on a Monday afternoon and XP Outdoors will take place on a Wednesday. Below is a list of the required kit for each day.