Key stage 1 are having a massive push on reading at the moment and I am so impressed with their progress so far in year 2! Keep it up guys x
Apply to become a reading ambassador!
Miss Knowles is looking to recruit a group of reading ambassadors who will help her to promote a love of reading across Green Top as well as improve the reading that is already happening!
If you would like to apply to become a reading ambassador please complete the Google Form below. A parent can help you!
The deadline to complete the application is Friday 24th January.
Class 9 | Crew Reading
This afternoon, Ezra and Spencer have been reading a story to the rest of the class.
Understanding the Y4 MTC: What You Need to Know
The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a key part of the school curriculum in England, designed to ensure that pupils have a solid grasp of their times tables up to 12×12. This check is crucial, as quick recall of multiplication facts underpins many other areas of maths learning, from fractions to problem-solving.
Regular practice is key. One highly effective resource for this is Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). TTRS is a fun and interactive platform designed to help children master their times tables through engaging games and challenges. The platform focuses on building speed and accuracy in a way that keeps pupils motivated and excited about learning.
Whether used in the classroom or at home, TTRS provides targeted practice tailored to each child’s needs. It’s an excellent tool to help children build confidence and prepare effectively for the MTC.
I have attached guidance that we have received from the DFE.
Kind regards,
Mr Mumby
Crew Taylor | Litter Picking
This morning, the children have been out litter picking down the school driveway. They’ve done a great job at making sure the school is looking as clean as possible.
class 12 – reading lesson
This picture is nothing fancy, but it was a very happy teacher moment!
This picture shows how much focus my whole class had during the start of their reading fluency session. We are working on reading accurately with good pace when faced with a larger text. The effort and concentration by all was amazing. Well done class 12.
class 12- hooking into physics
The children took very well to the challenge of getting the light bulb to light up with no real direction from me just the equipment they were given. Once completed they were able to share that more batteries would result in a brighter bulb and two bulbs to one battery would produce a dimmer glow.
Class 9 | Electrical Circuits
This week, the children have been getting to grips with electrical circuits. We have been looking at how a circuit needs to be complete in order for electricity to flow around it as well as replacing different components to investigate the effect that it has on the brightness of the lamps.
Class 9 | Home Learning
Last weekend, Arnie went to the local library, picked out a book on the human body and went home and read it. Arnie also designed a poster on good and bad things for teeth which he brought in to show the rest of the class.