We hope the children are excited for our class trip tomorrow!
Just a few things to note for our trip tomorrow:
Please could all children come to school wearing their normal school uniform and comfortable, sensible footwear. It is not currently due to rain tomorrow but a sensible coat and footwear is essential. We will be spending time both inside and outdoors during our visit. Please can children bring a backpack to keep all their belongings in such as their packed lunch and a spare change of clothes. This also helps us to ensure children’s belongings do not go missing throughout the day. Children will also need to be able to carry their own belongings to and from the coach/destination so a backpack really helps with this.
Children do not need any spending money for the trip.
Please ensure children arrive promptly at 8:30am for the register and to board the coaches!
XPD hosted eight visitors from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust – an organisation established in 1884 – that is one of the top ten charities in the world . The visitors are looking at models of education, visiting XPD to see how and why we do what we do. The feedback they left about our team and students was wholly positive. They were ‘touched, impressed and inspired’. We hope to be able to welcome them again soon.
Bikeability at Plover!
Plover Primary had an exciting and active day, thanks to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, who awarded the school a cycling workshop with triple Olympic Gold Champion and Active Travel Commissioner, Ed Clancy. This recognition was given for Plover’s dedication to promoting active travel and the high participation of their students in the Mayor’s Walk and Wheel Challenge. The Bikeability Trust, led by CEO Emily Cherry, generously donated balance bikes to the children, further supporting the school’s commitment to encouraging cycling from an early age.
Cycle North also played a key role, delivering ‘learn to ride’ workshops that taught 26 KS2 pupils how to ride a bike for the very first time. Additionally, Judith Shaw from Doncaster Council Road Safety Education kindly donated bike lights to the school. The day concluded with an inspirational whole school assembly led by Ed Clancy, where children were celebrated with Bikeability badges and snap bands for their achievements.
Tuesday 12th/Wednesday 13th November- Non Rider sessions (for those who have ticked the non rider box)
Children need to bring in their bikes and helmets for their allocated days and park them in the bike spaces on the playground. Those who have requested equipment hire will be provided with them at school.
Myles has been working hard on his homework this week. He has been writing facts about World War 2 as well as producing a timeline of events during the war!