Class 8 proud passage presentations

Year 2 have been working hard over the last couple of weeks to get their presentations drafted, completed and typed onto their individual presentation slides. They have created their own avatars, looked and reflected on their HOWLs and thought about their favourite experiences from their time in ks1. They have presented them so well and I am immensely proud of their confidence!

Thank you so much to everyone that has managed to be a part of this process!

Mrs Shaw x x

Class 10 melting experiment!

Yesterday, Class 10 learned about the different states of matter and the properties that make them up: solids, liquids and gases!

Today, we looked at whether a solid could turn into a liquid and this involved chocolate buttons. We predicted that the chocolate would melt, meaning it would change from a solid to a liquid, so we held the chocolate in the palm of our hands.

Then we observed what had happened…

We were correct, so as a treat, we finished off the melted chocolate!

Y3/4 Presentation of Learning

Don’t forget to join us on Thursday 4th July at 4.30pm in the hall for our Y3/4 presentation of learning. We can’t wait to share our learning with you from this expedition!

Important parking notice

Yorkshire Water have informed us that due to the road closure on part of Ellison Street (near the garage), buses are using Middlebrook Lane. Yorkshire Water have said they will be placing ‘no parking’ cones along Middlebrook Lane from tomorrow for the next few weeks. 

Please can you respect this enforcement to ensure the safety of our children. Buses are getting stuck due to poorly parked cars, especially at school times.

Thank you for your support.

Class 9: our final drop

And to round up our expedition product for the summer term, our final brownie drop was to the Moorends Family Hub! Thanking them for what they offer families in our community and helping children have the best start in life.