Crew Spetch – Y5 Transition

We’ve had the best two days getting to know each other and our new crew. We had lots of fun completing some crew activities, learning about the Zones of Regulation and creating characters that linked to each zone, designing and painting kindness zones for our new garden and learning about the British Values and how these links to our Crew and school life. We also enjoyed some reading to adults and creating some artwork ready for our new classroom.

What a fantastic first impression you have all made. I already can’t wait for the first week back!!

Miss R transition day 2

We’ve had another awesome day working in our new classroom. We began and ended the day by sharing our reading books with our parents and carers and showing them our new classroom. We completed work on understanding British Values and how they help us to live safely and fairly in our country and designed characters for our new zones of regulation. Once again I was blown away by how the children have dealt with this huge change and with the work they have completed over the last two days. I really can’t wait to be your teacher. Thanks so much superstars!

Miss R x

Crew Knowles Y6 Transition

We had another great day for transition today! We started and ended the day with some reading which parents were invited too. We’ve also created some lovely kindness rocks which we can wait to display outside school next year!