Year 6 Leavers Party

Wow what an amazing day we have had celebrating our fabulous year 6 children. To finish off our week of treats and celebrations, we enjoyed a Hawaii themed party. A fantastic time was had by all – face paint, takeaway, ice cream, singing, limbo, football and finally a water fight which was obviously instigated by Mr Ambler!!! Below are just a few snapshots of the evening – click on the link to access the full folder of photos.

Schools Catering Price Increase across XP Trust

Dear parents,

We have recently received next year’s prices from our current catering providers, Doncaster Council Schools Catering Service.

Due to rising food and labour costs, they have significantly increased the price to all of our schools across the Trust. 

Even with the schools heavily subsidising this, we may still need to increase the cost per meal for parents to £3.00. We are greatly disappointed to ask this of our parents, but this is a decision we have had to make due to reasons out of our control. 

We will continue to work with Schools Catering over the summer holidays to try and bring these costs down, whilst ensuring a high quality meal will be provided to each of our students. We will keep parents informed with any updates on this.

We are exploring other providers, and if necessary, we will look to change providers if a more cost effective offer is available elsewhere.

We will do everything we can to keep the price of school meals affordable to our parents, but we wanted to provide early warning that our prices are likely to increase from September 2024.

Year 6 Bridlington

Wow – what a fabulous leavers treat we had today! The rain stayed away from Bridlington and everyone had a great time on the beach – playing football, playing cricket, digging in the sand and splashing in the sea. It is clear our children do not understand ‘only paddle’ and as you will see on the photos below they got VERY VERY wet! Apologies for the amount of sand and sea water they brought home in their bags and on their clothes but they were having too much fun to stop them!!!

The fish and chips were amazing, the ice creams were delicious and the children were fantastic. No better way to start the leavers celebrations this week especially after their hard work all year was rewarded with excellent SATs results last week.

Thank you for all being amazing year 6.

From Mrs Jackson, Mr Mumby, Mr Ambler and Mrs Rafferty x